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Thread: how to send money to Phillipines

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    On a more serious note.

    I would still use a transfer (fee £25) by Nationwide Building Soc, as have an account there. Their exchange rate is also just about interbank rate.
    i already have a nationwide account,not sure if the recipient in the phills has an account though. western union is handy for people wthout bank accounts but they are so expensive to use.

    PNB. ive looked thm up online before,something put me off thm,cant remember what though. im going back in June so i will leave a nationwide debit card wth the g/f when i leave.[/QUOTE]

    Be careful leaving your British bank cards behind in the philippines for wives and girlfriend to use.

    T hecards are in your name so, its against banking practises for a third party to use. In fact if caught, both of you could get in serious trouble. A criminal record maybe. Not good to have when applying for the visa.

    PNB in my experience of sending money to the Philippines for the last 5 years or so is the most cheapest and the most reliable. Great customer service too.

    Im a cheap Charlie like most British I know it makes sense.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    . im going back in June so i will leave a nationwide debit card wth the g/f when i leave.

    QUOTE: Be careful leaving your British bank cards behind in the philippines for wives and girlfriend to use.

    The cards are in your name so, its against banking practices for a third party to use. In fact if caught, both of you could get in serious trouble. A criminal record maybe. Not good to have when applying for the visa.

    I gave a card to originally a Thai GF, then after that relationship, having married my Pinay bride, I gave a card to my wife's cousin, firstly a Cash card but when that ceased to be useable a Debit Card. I have told Nationwide several times on the phone and in emails that a card is there and although they of course have warned about possible abuse of the cards they have never said I cannot do it. I of course accept full responsibility for all transactions.

    As a former police officer in UK I cannot think of any law that would breach.

    For that matter, my son in UK has for the past 24 years been signing cheques drawn on my UK account. Again, whilst the bank would not like it, it is not an offence against UK law.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    QUOTE: Be careful leaving your British bank cards behind in the philippines for wives and girlfriend to use.

    The cards are in your name so, its against banking practices for a third party to use. In fact if caught, both of you could get in serious trouble. A criminal record maybe. Not good to have when applying for the visa.

    I gave a card to originally a Thai GF, then after that relationship, having married my Pinay bride, I gave a card to my wife's cousin, firstly a Cash card but when that ceased to be useable a Debit Card. I have told Nationwide several times on the phone and in emails that a card is there and although they of course have warned about possible abuse of the cards they have never said I cannot do it. I of course accept full responsibility for all transactions.

    As a former police officer in UK I cannot think of any law that would breach.

    For that matter, my son in UK has for the past 24 years been signing cheques drawn on my UK account. Again, whilst the bank would not like it, it is not an offence against UK law.[/QUOTE]
    Thanks John. I did do it and I was wrong.
    I tried to get cards in Jane's name. It wasn't possible.

    She had to be living here etc. The pnb does take 2 or 3 weeks to set up and they want so much info, im sure that puts many off.

    T hecost of sending per transaction is around 7 pounds. It rises when above 3 grand. The recipients are not charged for using the pnb money cards either. Info theory you can make infinite withdrawal without being charged.

    When we go to philippines we use the same cash withdrawal method. I load the card online costing me 7 pounds, thats it. no more bank charges.

    I was wrong John but, at the time I was ignorant of my actions. It not be an illegal activity but, in the eyes of the issuing bank, its fraud.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    . It not be an illegal activity but, in the eyes of the issuing bank, its fraud.
    When I said it was not an offence in UK, I did mean it was totally lawful, not fraudulent in any way whatsoever.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    When I said it was not an offence in UK, I did mean it was totally lawful, not fraudulent in any way whatsoever. your bank is cool with you entrusting there credit cards they have issued in your name only to unauthorised waifs and strays the other side of the world.

    Ill stick with pnb. Happy Easter


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post your bank is cool with you entrusting there credit cards they have issued in your name only to unauthorised waifs and strays the other side of the world.
    Companies issue company credit/debit cards to their employees. The employees usually would have no connection with the bank, just like my wife's cousin in Phil.

    Unless someone insists I would rather not spend a lot of time explaining the UK legal position. Please just take my word (former DCI ) that it is not illegal.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post

    im going back in June so i will leave a nationwide debit card wth the g/f when i leave.
    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    hmmm. interesting .but i think i'll take a chance and leave the card,afterall she will be my wife by the time i leave.whats mine is hers.but i'll just put a certain amount in the account every not stupid, lol.
    My husband did the same , he left his nationwide debit card with me in the PH problems until the Nationwide starts charging for purchases and cash machines withdrawal
    thats why we switched to BPI and PNB
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Companies issue company credit/debit cards to their employees. The employees usually would have no connection with the bank, just like my wife's cousin in Phil.

    Unless someone insists I would rather not spend a lot of time explaining the UK legal position. Please just take my word (former DCI ) that it is not illegal.
    My company credit card has my name on it and its agreed with the card issuing company that i can use.

    But if i used a card which was say issued to you even with your permisson it may not be illegal but it would be against the terms and conditions of the majority of cards I have seen it appears if the card issuing company which to uphold for some reason.

    If you were to get an additional card for a person and its registered in their name there should be no problems although they may only issue to UK residents.

    Again whether criminal law is broken is one thing but breaking terms and conditions of an agreement you sign with the card issuing company may leave u in a spot of bother in certain situations.

    Also the companies may ask if payments keep being made abroad to check with you for security reasons.

    Again many people get away with things but doesn't mean if the card issuing company want to they cant say you have broken the agreement if it suits them or comes to their attention..

    Again would you write to your Bank and declare your son has been using your cheque book for the last 24 years? If he has been using your signature then i would think that was fraud surely?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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