i already have a nationwide account,not sure if the recipient in the phills has an account though. western union is handy for people wthout bank accounts but they are so expensive to use.
PNB. ive looked thm up online before,something put me off thm,cant remember what though. im going back in June so i will leave a nationwide debit card wth the g/f when i leave.[/QUOTE]
Be careful leaving your British bank cards behind in the philippines for wives and girlfriend to use.
T hecards are in your name so, its against banking practises for a third party to use. In fact if caught, both of you could get in serious trouble. A criminal record maybe. Not good to have when applying for the visa.
PNB in my experience of sending money to the Philippines for the last 5 years or so is the most cheapest and the most reliable. Great customer service too.
Im a cheap Charlie like most BritishI know it makes sense.