I know your wise to this John but be wary of the Cousin wanting to help with this deal. Be prepared to pull out if the warning signs appear regarding any part of the deal..

Heard of a few plots which were mis sold and only once much money was invested was the issue brought to the attention of the buyer.

Read and heard of plenty of OFW's and Phill/west couples walking into moneypit deals often with the help of friends and families unwittingly...

Suss out the neighbors and local politics on here and in the Wifes local area I have seen that Neighborly disputes can be far more vicious than here in the UK.

If building is to be done you need a person on the ground from day 0 till the end who has your best interests at heart and understands your budget and what is required of the building. Plus a tough negotiator and deal maker who has the ability to check quality of building work and materials. Plus make sure all the utilities and right of way can be accessed heard of a few who didn't take this into account and then especially once western money was known to be involved they were basically held to ransom in one way or another..

Common sense I know but very very important it seems in phill especially with humidity,flooding and Earthquakes plus typhoons likely to affect the building over its lifetime.