I was sitting on the PC several nights ago,surfing for nothing in particular when I heard the gentle flip....flop....flip....flop of tsinelas outside the house approaching the front doorI can see the insect-screen from the periphery of my vision and theres no one there(not surprising as its after midnight)the footfalls had also stopped abruptly
Barefoot I pad over to the front door and look outside scanning the garden and trees,absolutely nowt,zip,nada,the dogs still kipping
I always knew pinoys as an uber-superstitious lot but I related the story to a mate and he told me of his uncle,a farm-worker who several years ago had walked home at midnight,passing a balete he found himself staring face-to-face with a sigbin
He ran screaming never daring to glance behind and threw himself through the quickly opened sanctuary of a neighbours front door,local legend tells of a rice-jar planted at the base of the balete(a sigbins favourite home).
The guy still has the shoes he wore that night,with the charcoal encrusted teethmarks where it nipped at his heels,I am sitting here scared to go out tonight,this place is scary what with Sigbins,mananangals,tiktik,kapre and whatnotParadise has nasty surprises for the unwary