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Thread: Cricket, help needed!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Cricket, help needed!!!

    I am currently in the Philippines and with the Ashes about to start need to find a way to watch, or failing that, listen to the matches. If I was in the UK then my TV would be tuned to Sky, with the sound down and TMS on the radio. That way I go about my daily routines and then rush to watch any drama (there are always instant replays).

    I cannot find any channels which show it here. SkySport has a dedicated cricket channel but it is not broadcast here. TMS cannot be received on the internet other than in the UK due to "rights restrictions". I have even tried ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) but they don't seem to cover it overseas.

    I am trying a VPN service to get around the rights restrictions but the BBC seem pretty cute at detecting this and have failed so far. If anyone knows of a reliable way please pass it on.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I use a VPN in the UK when I'm away, and never fails, however, I recently bought a Slingbox so I can watch Sky+ whatever country I'm in, and control it with the virtusl remote ..... haven't you set up an account with Sky Player?

    If your on Vista/W7 you can install one of the radio widgets that carries BBC Radio 5
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    I've not seen any St Georges Cross Flags in windows or on cars yet - assume from that cricket is a minority interest sport

    I always shudder at the memory as a small boy sitting in a room with my Dad & Grandad as they watched on TV a deathly slow spectacle from Headingly or some similar grim place. Never liked or understood it and am glad it's been more or less removed from terestrial TV, I hope Wimbledon soon follows

  4. #4
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    As I am here for 6 months I cancelled my Sky subscription before I left. I know nothing about any account with "Sky player". Does this mean I can access it via a TV or over the net? My internet connection here is OK, but too slow for streaming. What VPN do you use? The one I have seems OK but dumps the BBC.
    Each to their own of course but those who regard cricket as a "deathly slow spectacle" clearly do not really understand it's subtleties. An Ashes series is a real battle between two committed groups of men. For me it is an enthralling drama played out over many days, with ups and downs. The quality of the commentary, often full of humour, is very entertaining and beats most of the rubbish normally found on TV. Same for tennis which can be a really gripping tussle when the opponents are well matched. I love my football too but not the Premiership which is so full of plastic teams now. Give me real teams from the lower leagues any day.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you cancelled you can't use Sky Player.

    I use HideIpVPN UK, some of the Indian/Pakistan channels will be streaming it.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Following Cricket In The Philippines ...

    ... howzatt! Or - in this instance - should it be "Houseatt"?

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Listening to TMS now via my VPN, which works fine. It only seems to block the iPlayer. Not a great start by England but its early days yet. The wife is already complaining about it being boring so its just like being home. I just tell her that compared to Corry or Eastenders this is high drama.

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  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You didn't miss much watching it
    Keith - Administrator

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