I agree with Les and Joe largely!
I think One Direction were the best this week for sure. I predict Matt and One Direction for top 2. Rebecca has great potental but would never win a competition of this type. She will do far better after it. I'd buy her music!
Katie i do not gravitate towards. I think it is unfair that she has received so many chances. She messed up the auditions twice but still got through. Messed up at the judges house - still, another chance. The judges always support her. By SCs own admission she made the competition a more interesting place [commercially]. She was in the bottom 2 for 4 weeks in a row as it would appear the public had not taken to her. I would be happier if she left the show.
Paije offered nothing to me musically. Aiden started of well but made poor song choices. Thought TreyC also offered nothing musically. I liked Cher early on but she has not recently shown anything interesting that i've noticed.
Wagner! Can't sing and can't dance but the public like him enough to have him keep appearing. Wisdom of Crowds?
We all know the show is not a pure singing competition and for that reason alone i get infuriated often,but, it is entertaining.