Gentlemen ... I can empathise, having myself suffered from [unconfirmed] intermittent bouts of what - in all probability - is a form of tinnitus. In my case, it invariably occurs when I'm lying in bed at night and consists of sounds ranging from a simple whooshing in the ears to an ... ... "imaginary" noise rather like a pneumatic drill being operated in the distance.

Either way, it's not pleasant - although, fortunately, occurrences so far have been few and far between. I do, however, suffer from some degree of hearing loss - believed for much of my adult life to have been caused mainly by gradual and excessive build-ups of earwax (which does happen!) - but, in recent years, discovered to be due to steady deterioration in certain faculties resulting from the ageing process. And I now have to wear hearing aids as a consequence. But unlike you or your father, Steve, I've never worked with loud machinery.