Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
...and risk upsetting the Saudi's and all of their public and private investment in the UK, not to mention all of the multi billion dollar British defence contracts in Saudi, I doubt it very much.
Exactly, and that is the crux of the matter, and the reason for the inaction on these middle ages type belief systems being tolerated in our midst.

Currently there are no regulations governing these 'part-time classes', and Ofsted have no authority over them whatsoever, unless the govt. decides to give them it.

Don't hold your breath people.

The Jewish population in this country may be a tougher adversary however, considering what these Saudi sickos are teaching little kids about Jews in their cosy night classes. Blatant stirring up of racial hatred. Not good, and illegal in this country.

Perhaps the (Jewish) leader of the Labour party will find some balls and show interest.