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Thread: The Enemy Within

  1. #1
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    The Enemy Within

    The government says it will not tolerate anti-Semitic and homophobic lessons being taught to Muslim children in the UK.

    BBC Panorama found that more than 40 Saudi Students' Schools and Clubs are teaching the official Saudi national curriculum to about 5,000 pupils.

    One text book shows how the hands and feet of thieves are chopped off.

    These Hate Schools should be closed without further delay

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Too right

  3. #3
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Maybe they should cut the hands off our criminals.

  4. #4
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    Face it, it's not our country anymore.

    It's owned and run by big business...including the Saudis, and EU bureaucrats.

    I've given up.

    It will all be sorted out during civil conflict further down the line.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Face it, it's not our country anymore.

    It's owned and run by big business...including the Saudis, and EU bureaucrats.

    I've given up.

    It will all be sorted out during civil conflict further down the line.
    I fear that sadly you are right Graham. Throughout history wars or civil unrest has been caused when one part of the community has had enough of another part of it. Unless different races and faiths properly integrate and adopt the British way of life and end this self imposed segregation into separate little communities, sooner or later minor local skirmishes will become full scale civil unrest.

    I still think we are a long way away from that, but a few more horrific attacks like 7/7 will be enough to push the normally laid back and accepting indiginous British public over the edge. It's not just here either, the French, Germans, Danish and Dutch all have similar problems to us. Every year the French have to send the riot police out in Marseilles and the ethnic suburbs of Paris.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I fear that sadly you are right Graham. Throughout history wars or civil unrest has been caused when one part of the community has had enough of another part of it. Unless different races and faiths properly integrate and adopt the British way of life and end this self imposed segregation into separate little communities, sooner or later minor local skirmishes will become full scale civil unrest.

    I still think we are a long way away from that, but a few more horrific attacks like 7/7 will be enough to push the normally laid back and accepting indiginous British public over the edge. It's not just here either, the French, Germans, Danish and Dutch all have similar problems to us. Every year the French have to send the riot police out in Marseilles and the ethnic suburbs of Paris.
    I fully agree but you are incorrect in using the plural form "Unless different races and faiths" as we all know these problems both here and in the other countries mentioned are caused by members of one particular faith

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I fully agree but you are incorrect in using the plural form "Unless different races and faiths" as we all know these problems both here and in the other countries mentioned are caused by members of one particular faith
    I was trying to be PC to keep the tree hugging leftists happy

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I was trying to be PC to keep the tree hugging leftists happy
    I thought that I wonder if the usual suspects on here will be coming out of the woodwork

  9. #9
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    Getting back on topic, we shouldn't really worry about this. The Government have said that Ofsted will be sent in there to sort it out. I bet the Governers of these schools are really worried now, afterall sending in a bunch of Ultra PC, Left Wing do good failed teachers is almost like having the SAS go in and storm the place

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Getting back on topic, we shouldn't really worry about this. The Government have said that Ofsted will be sent in there to sort it out. I bet the Governers of these schools are really worried now, afterall sending in a bunch of Ultra PC, Left Wing do good failed teachers is almost like having the SAS go in and storm the place
    Er I wouldn't be so sure............ remember these goons also preach the mantra of inclusion/multiculturalism/positive discrimination etc.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Er I wouldn't be so sure............ remember these goons also preach the mantra of inclusion/multiculturalism/positive discrimination etc.
    They might preach that, but they haven't got the balls to shut down a non Christian school, but you could bet your life savings that if it was a far right Christian cult school preaching hate, they would have already shut it down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    They might preach that, but they haven't got the balls to shut down a non Christian school, but you could bet your life savings that if it was a far right Christian cult school preaching hate, they would have already shut it down.
    Will be interesting to see if the Govt & Ofsted have any backbone

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Will be interesting to see if the Govt & Ofsted have any backbone
    ...and risk upsetting the Saudi's and all of their public and private investment in the UK, not to mention all of the multi billion dollar British defence contracts in Saudi, I doubt it very much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    ...and risk upsetting the Saudi's and all of their public and private investment in the UK, not to mention all of the multi billion dollar British defence contracts in Saudi, I doubt it very much.
    Exactly, and that is the crux of the matter, and the reason for the inaction on these middle ages type belief systems being tolerated in our midst.

    Currently there are no regulations governing these 'part-time classes', and Ofsted have no authority over them whatsoever, unless the govt. decides to give them it.

    Don't hold your breath people.

    The Jewish population in this country may be a tougher adversary however, considering what these Saudi sickos are teaching little kids about Jews in their cosy night classes. Blatant stirring up of racial hatred. Not good, and illegal in this country.

    Perhaps the (Jewish) leader of the Labour party will find some balls and show interest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Perhaps the (Jewish) leader of the Labour party will find some balls and show interest.
    I'd forgotten he actually existed - obviously a bit of a low key leader of the opposition, but no he hasn't got any balls other than Ed and he will continue to keep his head in the sand as a lot of his cronies rely on the muslim vote to keep their snouts in the trough

    There's a piece in the Mail

    Mr Saudi Ambassador said ‘Any tutoring activities that may have taken place among any other group of Muslims in the United Kingdom are absolutely individual to that group and not affiliated to or endorsed by the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.’

    I'd take that as a green light to shut 'em down

  16. #16
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    reading all the above makes you wonder why muslims wanna destory the west

    you could always pack and leave
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    ...and risk upsetting the Saudi's and all of their public and private investment in the UK, not to mention all of the multi billion dollar British defence contracts in Saudi, I doubt it very much.
    I agree.
    These kind of interests are the driving force behind too many govt policies.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    reading all the above makes you wonder why muslims wanna destroy the west
    Well look how many 10,000's of people around the world the Catholics killed when they tried to take over the world. A lot of tribes in SE Asia and S America were wiped of the planet for good.

    And we need to get rid of ALL faith schools, bloody annoys me having Catholic/Protestant schools segregated.... we can't even combine our own kids without them being brought up to think the 'other lot' are different.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Hmm not a bad idea Keith
    I would go further and teach more patriotism to the country where you live,nothing to heavy but embrace and love the country you live in.
    Or **** off out

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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Hmm not a bad idea Keith
    I would go further and teach more patriotism to the country where you live,nothing to heavy but embrace and love the country you live in.
    Or **** off out
    Fit in or f off Les

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well look how many 10,000's of people around the world the Catholics killed when they tried to take over the world. A lot of tribes in SE Asia and S America were wiped of the planet for good.
    didnt england do the same when it tried to take over the world and teach these people some manners and speak the queens english

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Fit in or f off Les
    thats a bit harsh on les
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Fit in or f off Les

    A few years ago I stayed with some Ex-Pat English friends in Australia. They'd been there for a good number of years, had Australian citizenship and considered themselves as Aussies, despite being born in the UK. Their kids were raised as Australian, and had been taught the art of Pommie Bashing. They were all very proud followers of Aussie Cricket, Rugby Union and Rugby League, they didn't follow soccer as that was not a true Aussie game, it's only played by Greeks and Serbo/Croats.

    This is the perfect example of how an immigrant should embrace and love their new adopted homeland.

    Some immigrants to the Uk are loyal to Britain, and I always have respect for any Indians I see displaying the Union Flag or wearing an England football shirt, but it does annoy me when I see certain British born immigrants displaying other countries national flags on their car licence plates, at sporting events ....etc.

    Yes, I know some Brit's abroad are just as bad, but for me, if you choose to settle in another country you have to adopt that country as your homeland, raise your kids to accept it is their homeland and be patriotic to it.

  23. #23
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Exactly, when I visit the Philippines i were flip flops, vest and shorts.

  24. #24
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Exactly, when I visit the Philippines i were flip flops, vest and shorts.
    do you have lots of kids and live in a shack
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  25. #25
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Yeah and drink tuba

  26. #26
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post

    A few years ago I stayed with some Ex-Pat English friends in Australia. They'd been there for a good number of years, had Australian citizenship and considered themselves as Aussies, despite being born in the UK. Their kids were raised as Australian, and had been taught the art of Pommie Bashing. They were all very proud followers of Aussie Cricket, Rugby Union and Rugby League, they didn't follow soccer as that was not a true Aussie game, it's only played by Greeks and Serbo/Croats.

    This is the perfect example of how an immigrant should embrace and love their new adopted homeland.

    Some immigrants to the Uk are loyal to Britain, and I always have respect for any Indians I see displaying the Union Flag or wearing an England football shirt, but it does annoy me when I see certain British born immigrants displaying other countries national flags on their car licence plates, at sporting events ....etc.

    Yes, I know some Brit's abroad are just as bad, but for me, if you choose to settle in another country you have to adopt that country as your homeland, raise your kids to accept it is their homeland and be patriotic to it.
    That is fantastic and how it should be done

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    do you have lots of kids and live in a shack
    I don't think he's from Bradford is he ?

  28. #28
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    That this is wrong is beyond question. As someone who strongly believes in a secular state I would like to see the abolition of all religious schools, no exceptions. All British kids should receive a well balanced, state controlled, education, which emphasises tolerance and understanding of others. Their parents can give them whatever religious instruction they want to at home, or in their places of worship, providing it remains within the law, and the kids can then make up their own minds. Religious intolerance is not restricted though to extreme Islamists. Go visit the Catholic online forums to learn of their distorted view of the world and how they remain a persecuted minority. Its everywhere and it needs to be stopped, by us who I feel are too often the silent majority. I own a nursery school and so have direct experience of Ofsted. They are far from a soft option. As I understand that part time schools are not currently part of their remit they cannot be blamed for this, but once they get given that responsibility things will change and fast.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    That this is wrong is beyond question. As someone who strongly believes in a secular state I would like to see the abolition of all religious schools, no exceptions. All British kids should receive a well balanced, state controlled, education, which emphasises tolerance and understanding of others. Their parents can give them whatever religious instruction they want to at home, or in their places of worship, providing it remains within the law, and the kids can then make up their own minds. Religious intolerance is not restricted though to extreme Islamists. Go visit the Catholic online forums to learn of their distorted view of the world and how they remain a persecuted minority. Its everywhere and it needs to be stopped, by us who I feel are too often the silent majority. I own a nursery school and so have direct experience of Ofsted. They are far from a soft option. As I understand that part time schools are not currently part of their remit they cannot be blamed for this, but once they get given that responsibility things will change and fast.
    I completely agree with you David, I was brought up and always taught to treat other as you would like to be treated yourself and to treat other faith's/colours exactly the same. I believe that the majority of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant majority in this country also believe this and it is drummed into us every day of our lives. However, I don't believe that this view and willingness to be inclusive is shared by all parts of the community, as you say it isn't limited to Muslims, some Catholics share this view too, and no doubt other faith's do too. Religion is the route of most of the world's troubles, I believe that we live in a secular state, and all forms of religious schooling should be banned.

  30. #30
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    I agree !

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