They could start by offering re-training to the indigenous population, and do it PROPERLY.

Most immigrants are NOT needed for employment. That is total RUBBISH when there are 5 million people in this country without jobs, most of whom could be re-trained.

Of course many of them are just work-shy or turn up their noses at jobs they consider below them.
It's time to do some whip-cracking and bring some discipline back into society.

Some worthy ideas above, but as usual with our governments...too little too late. None have the guts to really grasp the nettle.

How many otherwise fit and able young people are 'disabled' through drugs or drink ? Get THEM sorted out and working instead of giving free methadone or whatever.

There is so much waste of human resources in this country, and it's costing us all a fortune.

The more I see what is happening in this country (and others) the more Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind.

As far as the visas that we on here are involved with, well IMO they should be treated as a totally separate category, treated as priority, and given an easy passage and fast-tracked, as long as basic requirements are satisfied, instead of being lumped in with the ones being applied for by obvious potential parasites.
A little humanity and common sense is all that is required. Of course pigs will fly too.

Maybe it's time for US to use the racism card when our loved ones' visas are being rejected, or unreasonable costs and conditions imposed before they are granted.