Well I paid the 2 * £34 fee for the 'living in the uk' test for my wife and stepson, and they both passed, first time![]()
after more than a couple of weeks of moaning at them to revise, the day arrived for them to take the test. as its before the 1st of april, ( I've seen somewhere that they have changed the date now to end of april) they would only be examined on chapters 2,3 and 4 of the book, when the new test starts its chapters 2,3,4,5 and 6 your questioned on.
looking at the questions, some are really easy true or false. while some are pick one or 2 correct answers from a list of 4. most are on remembering dates, countries, about the government, its quite a lot to remember even thou its only on 3 chapters of the book.
I bought off ebay a pdf file of just chapters 2,3 and 4 of the book for £1. and also managed to buy a program for the pc which asks you questions on the 3 chapters for a £1 to, and also found a good website, with questions, summary of the chapters which i printed out. so total cost of revision stuff £2.
to pass you need a mark of about 75% , which is about 18 right out of 24 questions, you have 45 mins to do the test, my wife did her questions in about 10 mins, and spent a few more mins checking her answers, she said it was pretty easy, but then shes a bookworm. while my stepson took twice as long, and it looked liked he got more difficult questions.
you dont know your mark if you pass, as they dont tell you, you just get a printed sheet with your details on, explaining you passed the test and the gov would be told electronically. i think if you fail you get a print out, showing what areas you failed on.
about 6 other people took the test same time as my wife and stepson, and most failed it.. so my advice is spend a few weeks reading the chapters, memorise dates, countries, and the facts in the chapters, and buy a program that simulates the exam, ( most are btw £5 and £10 , worth it if your paying £34 for the test), and join a few websites, as some have a lot of info on.
hope this helps some who have to take the test, and good luck![]()