Quote Originally Posted by Howerd View Post
Confirmation received from Carmen Jones of the UKBA that the Theodolite Training Group UK Inc. is NOT an accredited provider of the A1 English Test.
Please give me the courtesy of letting me have the telephone number or email address of 'Carmen Jones' as this is completely untrue.

We have been authorised to offer the ELSA A1 English test for UK visa applicants for some weeks now and are listed as such on the UKBA website at http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/si...s-partners.pdf

EDI for whom we are a registered training centre in Cebu are also listed on the VFS website http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/images/2010...A1_Testing.pdf

We would always welcome anyone who doubts our integrity or credibility to visit our offices in Cebu City at any time, so that we can show you the documentary proof of our status as an A1 test provider.

It has taken my asawa and I many months of hard work and perseverence establishing our training centre here in Cebu, and we are both extremely proud of the services we provide

Theodolite Training Group UK Incorporated