well i missed this one, thou the cost is not that much, The fees will initially be between £60 and £250, some people will be exempted.
well i missed this one, thou the cost is not that much, The fees will initially be between £60 and £250, some people will be exempted.
Papering over the cracks we need rigid border controls, sterner vetting of applications and fast track deportations.
I'm sure most will disagree with me, but surely £60 - £250 to appeal is far too low. If someone is quite clearly submitting a bogus application or is in the UK illegally, they should be charged the full costs of hiring the court, paying other court costs and barristers fees ...etc. This might stop some of the bogus asylum seekers staying here while they are awaiting their appeals, and stop the British taxpayers from picking up the tab.
I don't think that genuine immigrants have anything to worry about, if the vetting process is more thorough and all proof provided with the application genuine applicants will get through first time.
As the system has been so widely abused in recent years it needs a drastic overhaul and new procedures put in place with much clearer instructions on what it srequired with an application and who can and can't apply for which category of visa.
Anyone who approaches UK border control without the correct documentation should be turned around and told to get back on the plane, boat, lorry, curtain sider they came in on. Anyone wishing to claim politcal asylum should not be allowed to do this from within the UK.
The whole system is pathetic, and run by a set of limp-wristed selfish do-gooding fools, in between lining their own pockets.
NOTHING worthwhile for the rightful residents of this once great nation is going to change until we get out of the EU, and out of the 'human rights' straitjacket.
I don't want to talk about it.![]()
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