I agree with you Sim, rather thoughtless. Innocent or not at the end of the day he is married to Purple so her feelings must come before anyone else's. Sod the ex. I wonder why she offers to help out ? Has she no one ? If not this wld explain why she still hanging on. Like Englishman said ' Your man is spending serious money to be with you 5 times a year' I wld not doubt his love for you although I wld be a little upset when the first time he told you it was a friend who babysat his house when in fact it was his ex. I wonder why he lied to you. Im sure he could find another sitter for his house if he really wanted to. Steve wool said better the devil you know. I for one wld pick the devil every time over an ex. It just not sound healthy. I can understand Englishman staying on good terms with his ex wife because of his young kids and correctly so. Still i wld not use my ex to feed my cats etc Yes the trust is there but you have to think of your wife or gf feelings in the Phil Not good. Just my view ok right or wrong.