Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
Interesting look at that Alan, and I guess you, more than anyone has seen the results first hand. I often wonder about the 'big brother' warnings and 'scare tactics' that our various governments use to get people to stop smoking.
I dont smoke and never have, but in my early years of life both my parents smoked. I do wonder what damage was done then and how long it takes to heal/recover if at all. I don't like people smoking around me, and get so annoyed when there are signs quite clearly showing no smoking and people still smoke. My most recent annoyance (and I did complain too ) was in Kuwait Airport in the little cafe area there. There were several groups of Arabs smoking right below the signs, no other people were smoking ie: other commuters, so for them I guess the rules are not to be followed, double standards again.
At the end of the day, if everyone were to give up smoking, where would the taxes come from, vicious circle isn't it.
have you had a reply back yet steve