I am down to 10 a day now.
There have been times when I've stopped for a couple of years.
It IS a filthy habit, potentially life-threatening, and of course a total waste of money.
I don't ever smoke in the house or near my boy.
He thinks it's disgusting I'm glad to say, and I'm the only person in my family who smokes now.
I would be happy if the govt.totally banned the sale of cigs, and I'm sure a lot of other smokers would agree with me. We'd all do a bit of cold turkey and then be fine.
There is so much help available to help quit smoking now, and it worked for me last time.
I'm ashamed to say that I've just been too idle to get down to the docs and sign up for a (practically free) course again. Kept me off them for 2 years. 2006 to 2008.
Surely the govt. don't take enough in tobacco tax to finance the true cost of smoking and smoking-related diseases ? Think about it.
A lot of pubs would still be open if they had a proper smoking room IMO, but I still can't condone or say anything positive about smoking.
There isn't a day goes by when I don't worry about getting lung cancer, or maybe a stroke or heart attack because of my stupid addiction.