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Thread: Malaria tablets

  1. #1
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Malaria tablets

    Had my hepatitis & typhoid jabs etc done last week so all I need is malaria tablets.

    There seems to be four types ranging in price.

    Atovaquone/Proguanil from £50
    Doxycycline from £27
    Mefloquine from £18
    Chloroquine/Proguanil £15

    These are 2005 prices though but I've heard from a reliable source that you can get 30 Chloraquine for around a tenner off the net from a firm in Bristol.

    I'm leaning towards those because of the price and the side effects are minimal. Definitely staying away from Mefloquine/Lariam because of the long list of mental side effects.

    What do you guys use? How much do you pay? Have you had any major side effects?

  2. #2
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    I personally don't use an - and have travelled extensively through Africa, Asia and South American - due to the side affects associated with them all, and generally take other precautions. Most areas of the Philippines do not require you to take these tablets.
    If I was forced to choose, I would only use Malarone (Atovaquone/Proguanil) as it has the least side effects, but its also the least effective.
    Doc Alan should be along soon and I'm sure he'll help clarify.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Take a look at this thread, all been answered here
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  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    No I don't use them now. Have a look using the search button, there is plenty of information about this.
    You need to go back for a booster, for the Hep A in 6 months, which is what I was told & did...should last you 20 years then.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I'm going from Manila > San Fernando, Pampanga > Iba & Candelaria on the coast in Zambales.

    According to the nurse's malaria map on the computer, it's quite high risk north of Manila. Not sure how accurate this is.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Well I think you'll find most of the Philippines, is covered by the nurses map, as I was told the same, the first time I went over... However, I don't know the area you are going to?

    If you feel happier taking them, then that's fine, see how you get on with them?... Whatever happens no one should be take it for granted...Malaria is a killer.

    You could look into alternatives like sprays? (deet)

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Yup, I think it's advisable to at least try them. I'll start taking them early in the morning a week before I go, have a few beers around midday and see what the outcome is.

  8. #8
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    Personally I have never bothered with Malaria tabs in the Phil's and have been off the beaten track in the forests of southern mindoro ) I used to take them when I went to India, but always ended up having very vivid and graphic bad dreams. It's up to you, and I guess it's better to be safe than sorry, but for now, I'll be careful and take my chances

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I sleep under a double bed sized mosquito net (bought it in Boots) when I am there, saves my ars.e getting pecked, and makes you sleep more confidently knowing you are not going to get zapped.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post

    I'm leaning towards those because of the price and the side effects are minimal. Definitely staying away from Mefloquine/Lariam because of the long list of mental side effects.

    What do you guys use? How much do you pay? Have you had any major side effects?
    I hope by now you have used the search function as my advice is up to date for this year.
    Drugs for malaria prophylaxis are not prescribable on the NHS (health authorities may investigate circumstances under which they are prescribed).
    The prices you quote are similar to current prices, although non-proprietary (generic) drugs are cheaper than the same proprietary drugs.
    (Chloroquine is the generic name for the same drug which is called Avloclor, Malarivon, and Nivaquine - all priced differently. Proguanil is the generic name for Malarone. Mefloquine is generic for Lariam. Doxycycline is generic for Vibramycin.)
    However, the drugs you use should depend on the recommendations for the area you are visiting. With respect, basing your decision on price, or side effects which forum members may have suffered is not the best policy. You may decide not to take antimalarials at all (as I did in Luzon, Cebu and Bohol) if the risk is very low. In that case, personal protection against mosquito bites is sensible, and would minimise the chance of other conditions like dengue fever (search here for more information).

  11. #11
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    I'm glad to have helped you !

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Not a problem Doc. Cheers

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Just taken my first malaria tablets about half an hour ago. If I start to type funny, you know why!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Just taken my first malaria tablets about half an hour ago. If I start to type funny, you know why!
    Well done. Malaria is a serious issue.
    I used to spend considerable time in risky areas of India, even though I did have some
    slight side effect I stuck to tablets.
    Few times I needed to stay quite long periods so could not take them.
    I tell you, I went to extraordinary lengths to protect myself.
    Jamie, if you will be in high risk area and especially sleeping without A/C I would suggest investing in a good mossie net.

    Oh, by the way, (slightly off topic) don't forget the handy pocket size packs of wet-wipes

  15. #15
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Well done. Malaria is a serious issue.
    I used to spend considerable time in risky areas of India, even though I did have some
    slight side effect I stuck to tablets.
    Few times I needed to stay quite long periods so could not take them.
    I tell you, I went to extraordinary lengths to protect myself.
    Jamie, if you will be in high risk area and especially sleeping without A/C I would suggest investing in a good mossie net.

    Oh, by the way, (slightly off topic) don't forget the handy pocket size packs of wet-wipes
    I can feel the effects of them now. Slight headache and a tad giddy but nothing major. I took them on an empty stomach so I'll go and have something to eat now. Gonna have a few beers too as a dummy run.

    I'll get some wet wipes to go along with some Vics vaporub & some deet.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Also DO NOT forget to take a packet of imodium with you.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    ^ I'll bear that in mind.

    Anyway, after chicken tikka in a nan and a few beers I feel fine after taking the tablets.

  18. #18
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i did not bother also but better be safe then sorry they say

  19. #19
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    i never bothered either but i still got bitten to blazes in the brownout after the typhoon in july

  20. #20
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    I can feel the effects of them now. Slight headache and a tad giddy but nothing major. I took them on an empty stomach so I'll go and have something to eat now. Gonna have a few beers too as a dummy run.

    I'll get some wet wipes to go along with some Vics vaporub & some deet.
    I was recommended Chloroquine/Proguanil by the pharmasist in August for a trip to Goa in September and the information in the pack clearly said that they should be taken with or after food. I didn't have any noticeable side affects but my holiday to Goa was abruptly cancelled when I had to fly urgently to the Philippines to be with my brother so I carried on taking the tablets whilst I was there and didn't have one mosquito bite .....

    Hope you have a fab time Jamie!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post

    ... after chicken tikka in a nan and a few beers I feel fine after taking the tablets.
    So far, so good .
    Side effects of antimalarials include nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea (much like chicken tikka after too many beers ) - I wish you luck and take care .

  22. #22
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    I was recommended Chloroquine/Proguanil by the pharmasist in August for a trip to Goa in September and the information in the pack clearly said that they should be taken with or after food. I didn't have any noticeable side affects but my holiday to Goa was abruptly cancelled when I had to fly urgently to the Philippines to be with my brother so I carried on taking the tablets whilst I was there and didn't have one mosquito bite .....

    Hope you have a fab time Jamie!!
    Thanks Rosie . Got my Chloroquine/Proguanil from Morrisons and the pharmacist only told me not to lie down after taking them

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    So far, so good .
    Side effects of antimalarials include nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea (much like chicken tikka after too many beers ) - I wish you luck and take care .
    Felt slightly nauseous, a brief discomfort in my stomach for about thirty seconds but for my second dose I was completely OK but I did eat prior to taking them this time. I'm usually pretty immune to side effects with tablets.

    I had a few beers to see if there were any effects from alcohol. I thought it best to try this at home first rather than in public Cheers for the input Doc!

  23. #23
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    I've always wondered how essential it is to take malaria tablets. But I know a friend of mine stayed in Africa for a few months and he said he paid around 70 pounds for his tablets rather than taking the free ones which gives you awful side effects. Just take them to be on the safe side...

  24. #24
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    is that right Sim, after 6 months ? i had the hep A for israel, the nurse said it lasts 1 year , i will need to know, to be sure im covered, ?
    good that the after the booster it lasts 20 yrs, i proberbly wont need a second one

  25. #25
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    is that right Sim, after 6 months ? i had the hep A for israel, the nurse said it lasts 1 year , i will need to know, to be sure im covered, ?
    good that the after the booster it lasts 20 yrs, i proberbly wont need a second one
    Had to re-read what I wrote, as I couldn't remember.
    Yes 6 months to a year I think? Doc Alan is the man to ask...I'm sure he'll read this & reply.
    Maybe if you're still in the Philippines, you could get your booster done there?

  26. #26
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    Hepatitis A vaccine is likely to be effective even if given shortly before departure. A booster dose is usually given 6-12 months after the first dose. A second booster dose need not be given until 20 years after the previous booster dose if required.

  27. #27
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thanks Sim and Doc

  28. #28
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Well, I've got two more days of taking these damn pills thank God. Saw more tigers and crocodiles than I did mosquito's. I couldn't sleep well with these tablets and when I was tired I felt like crap especially coming home.

  29. #29
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    Well done for sticking with them Jamie I have to admit I only took a weeks worth of mine and then 'forgot' about them. I took them for a couple of days before I went to Palawan and for the 5 days I was there, but as everyone from European hotelliers to tour guides kept saying there is no Malaria in Puerto Princesa I felt I was pretty safe. I've been back for 3 weeks and haven't had a fever or the flu yet.
    The good news is I still have a 6 week supply left, which I will use when I go to Borneo in April, and I will take the full course then as there is a much higher risk out there.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I don't think I'll bother taking them next time. I'll just use the spray. It's not like the places I went were infested with them. I can't even be certain I actually saw one.

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