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Thread: Things to put in place whern you filipina comes to join you here

  1. #1
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    Things to put in place whern you filipina comes to join you here

    I have not posted here for sometime but do drop in for a quick read when i get the chance and it occurs to me the following advice may help some of you. My wife came to england over 4 years ago she hoped to work here so she could continue to help her family as she had done at home she was unable to secure a job, and on a number of occasions we found it was because she had not been issued with a nat insurance number employer insisted that if she was intitled to work she would have one. the office that issue the numbers would only issue one when she was offered a job we didnt pursue this because jasmine became pregnant we decided to sort it out after the baby was born. As some of you will remember Jasmine died 2 days after our son was born. i was advised to go to various offices to get assistance with funeral costs, bearevment benifit widowed parents allowance only to be told that i despite having paid nat insurance for 25years i was not entitled to any help at all. why because jasmine had not been issued with a NI number. basically the system is pants but you dont find out until you actually need it .so guys push to get your asawa her number coz you never know what is around the corner. It may also help you avoid decking the prat at the benifits office when he tells you that your wife and marriage just dont count as far as they are concerned

  2. #2
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    Thank you for taking time to post this.
    I, did not know about your history. I am very sorry to hear that.

    I think that the way the authorities treated you was a disgrace, and I was just stunned to learn what happened.

    Good advice to all who are not registered within the system.

  3. #3
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    so sorry to hear your story... hope everything will be okay with you and your family

  4. #4
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    My condolences too Dave, and I hope that everything is OK with your son.
    It's terrible to read about the way the system treated you, and I appreciate you taking the trouble to tell everyone about the NI number. I certainly wasn't aware of that, and I hope that some good will come from you sharing your experience, and other members won't find themselves in the same position as you did with the benefits people

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Please accept my sincere condolences too, Dave. Like my friends here, I hadn't previously been aware of the sad and unexpected passing of your dear wife, Jasmine ... and I'm also absolutely shocked to read of the callous manner in which you appear to have been treated by Benefits' staff following your bereavement. , so much for taking the time to alert others to the not so obvious pitfalls that can exist for the unsuspecting ... and I hope that life in general has since greatly improved for you and your young son.

  6. #6
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    Thank you for reading the message i really hope it will potentially help protect some of you from the same pitfall.
    My son Christopher is an absolute joy he has his mums looks and is tall for is age so i think will have my height. life is errm challenging and i wouldn't mind if it was a bit less so, through friends and family the money was raised to build a student study room in Jasmines memory at the school in Sagkahan, Tacloban where Jasmine was a teacher and the youngest sister whom jasmine and i were sponsering through nursing college (which so far i have been able to continue) has started her final year and all being well will qualify sept 2011. Mother in law keeps saying i should settle down again and find a new wife not so easy to do since i would only consider a filipina, (lets face it guys when you have found the best wifes in the world why settle for less) just have to go home to the islands (despite being english i have always felt more at home and like i belong over there...weird huh)
    maybe i will be lucky enough to meet a filipina willing to take on a guy with a son when i get to go back and visit.

  7. #7
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    Dave, may I add my condolences to those already expressed. Maternal deaths in the UK come as a great shock because they are so rare and therefore unexpected, although unfortunately commoner elsewhere in the world like the Philippines. The last thing you then wanted was your treatment by the Benefits staff.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Hi Dave good to read your Son and you are doing ok Thank you for taking the time to help others who may find themsleves in need of help as you mention we never think it will be us.
    Glad to hear your still able to support Jasmines younger sister must be tough but im sure Jasmine would be so proud of you

    Im sure you will find a Filipina who will find you a loving Husband. I wish Christopher and your self all the best and please let us all know how you get on. I hope soon we are helping and supporting you via the forum with a Wedding
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Hi Dave I do remember you, from when I first joined here.
    That's a lovely tribute, to Jasmines memory & that you've been able to continue sponsoring her sister. Just glad you have your son...Keep posting here, if it helps.
    All the best for the future.

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