It's been a while since there's been a shoe post. So this is for all of you shoe addicts out there. Shouldn't there be a term for someone who is addicted to shoes? A Shoeologist perhaps? :) At any rate, you probably thought Marketman was pretty obsessive compulsive, but you haven't met some of MM's friends... To put things in context, when Imelda fled to Hawaii and the hundreds of pairs of shoes she left behind in the Palace made headlines around the world, my mother and female siblings were probably thinking, "is that it?" I jest, of course. And having hundreds of shoes seems somewhat farfetched. Or is it? On a recent visit to San Francisco, we stayed with friends and I was utterly shocked and amused when I went into Dina's home office cum dressing suite. On the wall on one side of the room were hundreds of neatly lined plastic shoe boxes each housing a treasured pair of shoes within. Talk about arrange-my-stuff-titis! And Dina culls her stuff regularly, I gather, so this was the pared down version! Wow! Let's just say the Teen was totally amazed!

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