Heathrow operations ought to be policed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) but it would appear their remit covers critical issues like how many times a day the Gents Urinals are cleaned :-
Regulation of airports themselves appears to be limited. The Civil Aviation Authority's remit covers safety, but it does not have the power to demand airports stay open or closed, or to fine them for not providing a service.
"Airport operators and airlines are responsible for operational decisions about when it is and is not safe to operate flights," a CAA spokesman said.
The three largest UK airports - Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted - are also subject to economic regulation, but again the CAA admits that its role is "very narrowly defined".
Regulators' provisions for service quality tend to focus on matters such as ensuring queuing times are not too long, that there is enough seating and that toilets are clean.
You couldn’t make it up !