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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hello to all

    Hi, I am new in this forum but I've been reading a lot of threads since I got to know this site. Someone I have met in the CFO seminar introduced me to this site. From then on I started reading threads.

    I just got married last May to a british national here in the Philippines and I will apply a spouse visa soon with my son as dependent. I am still working though in a bank right now and I will just resign once I got my visa. I found this site very helpful in gathering all the documents I need. I am just worried about my son on a previous marriage. I am already annulled since 2006 and the decision was made based on the fact that we were abandoned since my baby was 3 months old. I never had any communication since then with the biological father of my son and I raised him up all alone with the help of my parents. But financially I am supporting him alone.

    I just find it hard to produce documents that would prove my sole responsiblity. I read from the forum that a letter from my son's school can help. Do you have any format on what the letter must contain? The school said they encountered this kind of request just now so they don't know how to do it. I will gladly appreciate if there is a sample letter of this sort. I was also thinking that it's very obvious that I was solely responsible for my child since he left us when my baby was 3 months old. If only the ECO would read my annulment papers they will find it there. That's why i wonder if I should still prove sole responsibility to my son. By the way he is 10 yrs old now and he doesnt know his father. He has seen him only in pictures.

    Thanks...It's Emma that I have met in the CFO seminar.
    God Bless!

    Hi, I am new in this forum but I've been reading a lot of threads since I got to know this site. Someone I have met in the CFO seminar introduced me to this site. From then on I started reading threads.

    I just got married last May to a british national here in the Philippines and I will apply a spouse visa soon. I am still working though in a bank right now and I will just resign once I got my visa. I found this site very helpful in gathering all the documents I need. I am just worried about my son on a previous marriage. I am already annulled since 2006 and the decision was made based on the fact that we were abandoned since my baby was 3 months old. I never had any communication since then with the biological father of my son and I raised him up all alone with the help of my parents. But financially I am supporting him alone.

    I just find it hard to produce documents that would prove my sole responsiblity. I read from the forum that a letter from my son's school can help. Do you have any format on what the letter must contain? The school said they encountered this kind of request just now so they don't know how to do it. I will gladly appreciate if there is a sample letter of this sort. I was also thinking that it's very obvious that I was solely responsible for my child since he left us when my baby was 3 months old. If only the ECO would read my annulment papers they will find it there. That's why i wonder if I should still prove sole responsibility to my son. By the way he is 10 yrs old now and he doesnt know his father. He has seen him only in pictures.

    Thanks...It's Emma that I have met in the CFO seminar.
    God Bless!

  2. #2
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    hello and welcome to the forum
    As life is to live so love is to give

  3. #3
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Hi & welcome.
    For now i cant answer your question but am sure others will soon...

  4. #4
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    Welcome and good luck with your visa, you've come to the right place for advice

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hello there and welcome mickaela, emma does remember you , what you are asking well i cannot advice you where to look or go just yet , in time someone will have your answers that you are looking for , any other help wanted keep on posting , take care

  6. #6
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    a warm welcome to the forum mickaela

  7. #7
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    hi mickaela

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hi Mickaela, welcome to the forum

  9. #9
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi mickaela & welcome to the forum

  10. #10
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Hi there and welcome to the forum.

    You can ask an affidavit for that with school records, a letter from the teacher of your child as well as from the principal. Good to include a letter from the PTA president as well and have it notarized by a lawyer.

    I was talking to an immigration lawyer who assisted the son of my business partners that such instances and documents can be produced to show proof.

    He even asked the couple who immigrated to the UK to ask a letter from the priest who solemnized their wedding, the judge who did their civil wedding and letters from the sponsor and witnesses and had it notarized. It helped satisfy the ECO because they were able to emigrate.

    Hope this helps. If not, consult an immigration lawyer.
    Life as we make it

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Maayong Buntag, Mickaela ... and to the filipino/uk forum. Nice to learn you met Emma, who's married to Steve Wooley - one of our regular and most popular contributors - friend of many on here. I'm sure someone will be along directly to advise on the best way forward in relation to sole responsibility for and/or custody of your son.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post

    I am just worried about my son on a previous marriage.
    I just find it hard to produce documents that would prove my sole responsiblity. I read from the forum that a letter from my son's school can help. Do you have any format on what the letter must contain? The school said they encountered this kind of request just now so they don't know how to do it. I will gladly appreciate if there is a sample letter of this sort. I was also thinking that it's very obvious that I was solely responsible for my child since he left us when my baby was 3 months old. If only the ECO would read my annulment papers they will find it there. That's why i wonder if I should still prove sole responsibility to my son. By the way he is 10 yrs old now and he doesnt know his father. He has seen him only in pictures.

    God Bless!
    Hello Mikaela welcome here
    Sole custody is different from sole your sons father named in the birth certificate??
    I don't know if its possible for you to send your email ad here so i can give you a sample of the certification which i used to prove sole responsibility for my daughter.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  13. #13
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    I have researched about the sole custody. Yeah its different from sole responsibility. Yes, his father signed on the birth certificate since we were married then. But since he abandoned us for almost 10 years now, there is a law in the family code per Article 212 of Title IX Parental Authority, Chapter 1 general provisions:
    "Art. 212. In case of absence or death of either parent, the parent present shall continue exercising parental authority. The remarriage of the surviving parent shall not affect the parental authority over the children, unless the court appoints another person to be the guardian of the person or property of the children. (n)"

    Since it was clearly stated in my annulment papers that we had no communication since he left in 2000 I still have the parental authority over my child even if I am already married. Maybe you can send me your sample certification to prove sole responsibility. That would help. Maybe you can attach it here.


  14. #14
    Member stem298's Avatar
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    hi there michelle, emma here guess you finally find now the way to this site hope you could get the answer you are looking for, welcome here and hope to see you soon here in UK , take care xx

  15. #15
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    Hi thanks for welcoming me here. Hi emma, i saw your wedding pics and you are looking good. I wish you and steve the very best.
    Thanks for the advices. I have already requested a letter from my son's school. I am just waiting for it. But I still have to ask from his teacher too.

    Thanks again. I will keep you all posted. God bless!

  16. #16
    Member glenna33's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum michaela!

  17. #17
    Respected Member
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    welcome to the forums

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