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Thread: Spouse visa application with dependent child visa - no whereabouts of biological fath

  1. #1
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    Spouse visa application with dependent child visa - no whereabouts of biological fath

    Hi again,

    I am already sorting out all the documents I need for my spouse visa and my child's dependent visa too. Just waiting for the supporting documents from my husband in UK. I just want to know if anyone of you has applied for your child's visa as dependent. My son is 10 yrs old from a previous marriage which was annulled last 2006. My ex-husband abandoned us when my baby was only 3 months old. We never saw him again. I raised my child alone since then. My problem is there is a requirement on the whereabouts of the biological father. I tried contacting his family but according to them they dont know where he is. I have the following documents for submission to the british embassy, can you tell me if these are sufficient:
    1. my annulment papers
    2. affidavit of abandonement and support
    3. letter from my child's school
    4. a Solo parent ID issued by the Department of Social Welfare which I used when I got annulled to avail of leaves benefits for a single mother
    5. my Income Tax Return which shows my gross income and my dependent on it who is my son

    Are all these sufficient to show that I have sole responsibility to my child?

    I just want to know from someone who had a similar case before I file our application. I dont want to leave my son cause my parents who live with me are too old to take care of him. They are both 78 yrs old and are both sick. All my siblings have their own families to take care of.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    have you ever lived apart from your son?
    when was the last contact with your son and his father ?
    maybe a letter from someone in his family stating they don't know where he and that hes not had contact since the child was 3 months old could help but from what you've said i wouldn't have thought there would be a problem.,..

  3. #3
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    I was never apart from my son. We've always been together. My son never had any communication with his father since the day he left us.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post
    Hi again,

    I just want to know from someone who had a similar case before I file our application. I dont want to leave my son cause my parents who live with me are too old to take care of him. They are both 78 yrs old and are both sick. All my siblings have their own families to take care of.

    Thank you.
    I think all your documents supplied above is long as you are the only parent responsible for the day to day basis of your sons activities you should be fine...
    Anyway, here's the list of certifications and letters I attached with my daughters application to go with me as my dependent when i applied the visa:
    - certification from school principal (with dry seal)
    - certification from local parish (with dry seal) in which we attended mass every sunday
    - certification from school in which she attended her summer advance classes
    - letter from my daughters GP (pediatrician/pulmonologist)
    - letter from coach/trainor (sports)
    - all original report cards (school) and achievement cards in which all my signature is reflected every grading period.
    - bank account in which i am the one in trust because she is minor (8years old)
    - health insurance

    .... I also provided parental consent (notarized) from my ex in which stated that we plan to settle in the uk and that he is permitting my daughter to settle your case you will not need this as you said you were abandoned since your child was 3months old.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post your case you will not need this as you said you were abandoned since your child was 3months old.
    i wolud have thought the embassy would want some sort of evidence, because I'm sure many people say they dont know where the father is, thou in some cases they dont, but some will know the father might try and objection if contacted or the child does still have contact with the bio father

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i wolud have thought the embassy would want some sort of evidence,
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post
    2. affidavit of abandonement and support
    I think the affidavit of abandonment explains and is enough evidence as the whereabouts of the father is unknown and no communication since he left Mikaela and son.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    I think the affidavit of abandonment explains and is enough evidence as the whereabouts of the father is unknown and no communication since he left Mikaela and son.
    i missed that

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    I will get a letter from our local parish too where my son and I go to church every Sunday. Many thanks again to all!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    On your annullment papers does it not state that you now have sole responsibility for your son? when my wife was annuled it stated on the judgement that she has been given sole responsibility for the minor child xxxxxxxx. I just wrote in my spouse visa covering letter to the embassy that we do not know the wherabouts of her father as he disappeared soon after she was born. I would suggest that your spouse also does something similar in his covering letter that he is going to write in support of your application. Personally i dont think you have anything to worry about.

  10. #10
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    Hi Jenky,

    My annulment papers did not state that I will have sole responsibility to the child. But it was stated there that he did not appear even if summoned by the court. I am really not sure but I think the judgement did not state it anymore since he never showed up in hearings.

    I really hope my documents are okay.


  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sole responsibility has nothing to do with the phil gov, its the embassy that you have to convince, you can have custody but not sole responsibility and you an have sole responsibility but not custody, but you have to convince the embassy you have both.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sole responsibility has nothing to do with the phil gov, its the embassy that you have to convince, you can have custody but not sole responsibility and you an have sole responsibility but not custody, but you have to convince the embassy you have both.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Shouldn't imagine you're likely to confront any problems ... all things considered. Goodluck!

  14. #14
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    If you have custody of your child you may not have sole responsibility, that is true if the other parent still retains an interest of some sort with the child. I did not say that this has anything to do with the Phil govt, but it has everything to do with a Phil civil law court.
    In a Filipino annulment case it is a legal requirement that every effort is made to inform the "other party" involved to give them the opportunity to come to court and voice any opinions.
    On Mikaelas annulment papers in 2006 the judge has recorded that the "other party" played no part in the proceedings. Maybe he chose not to, maybe he could not be found. The embassy will read this and draw their own conclusions about the father.

    She has written that her son has remained with her since that time and i assume her passport does not show any long periods out of the country leaving her son being looked after by her family.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenky View Post
    If you have custody of your child you may not have sole responsibility, that is true if the other parent still retains an interest of some sort with the child. I did not say that this has anything to do with the Phil govt, but it has everything to do with a Phil civil law court.
    In a Filipino annulment case it is a legal requirement that every effort is made to inform the "other party" involved to give them the opportunity to come to court and voice any opinions.
    On Mikaelas annulment papers in 2006 the judge has recorded that the "other party" played no part in the proceedings. Maybe he chose not to, maybe he could not be found. The embassy will read this and draw their own conclusions about the father.

    She has written that her son has remained with her since that time and i assume her passport does not show any long periods out of the country leaving her son being looked after by her family.
    sorry i was talking about the British embassies view point, the British embassy want evidence of 'sole responsibility' and that can be difficult to prove for some people especially if they live away from the child.

    in Mickaela case I've posted already i wouldn't have thought she would have a problem, but how many times do you think the embassy hear the excuse that they don't know where the father is ? (thou I'm sure Mickaela doesn't thou )

  16. #16
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    hello to all,

    thanks to your advices. I already have the necessary documents with me and will schedule gor an appointment on january. Just one last question, does my husband still has to prepare a separate sponsorship letter for my son. I just need to know ASAP cause he just sent one letter of sponsorship which is for me though he did accomplished a Sponsorship Undertaking Form for my son.

    Thank you so much!

    Belated merry xmas!

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it would probably be better if he had done 2 separate letters to keep it simple so it doesn't get confusing.mentioning how you met,

  18. #18
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    Ok thanks Joe!

    Happy New year in advance!

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post
    Ok thanks Joe!

    Happy New year in advance!
    oh that was half my post, it would probably be better if he used 2 letters, one to support you and one for your son, stating how he met you, his finances, where you will be living without it being over crowded, about your relationship now and future plans. and a similar letter for your son.

  20. #20
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    thanks to all your great advices, I followed Jenky's and Joe's advices. Got my visa today! I'm soooooooooooo happy and my husband too. Now my son is worrying to leave his friends behind haha...and his school too:-(

  21. #21
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    That should be enough. Make sure you write a cover letter with your application ad explain the circumstance fully in the letter. Is is possible to get a letter from any of the man's family members confirming that you have gone to inquire and that htey do not know where he is? That will help. You can also have a sworn declaration signed by a lawyer that you have been solely responsible for your son. Gte a letter from his school to confirm they know you as the sole care who is responsible for him. Include receipts llike his school fees that you have paid in the past.
    Add pictures of you and the child showing different stages of his growth.

  22. #22
    Member sophiamarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post
    thanks to all your great advices, I followed Jenky's and Joe's advices. Got my visa today! I'm soooooooooooo happy and my husband too. Now my son is worrying to leave his friends behind haha...and his school too:-(

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