Hi again,

I am already sorting out all the documents I need for my spouse visa and my child's dependent visa too. Just waiting for the supporting documents from my husband in UK. I just want to know if anyone of you has applied for your child's visa as dependent. My son is 10 yrs old from a previous marriage which was annulled last 2006. My ex-husband abandoned us when my baby was only 3 months old. We never saw him again. I raised my child alone since then. My problem is there is a requirement on the whereabouts of the biological father. I tried contacting his family but according to them they dont know where he is. I have the following documents for submission to the british embassy, can you tell me if these are sufficient:
1. my annulment papers
2. affidavit of abandonement and support
3. letter from my child's school
4. a Solo parent ID issued by the Department of Social Welfare which I used when I got annulled to avail of leaves benefits for a single mother
5. my Income Tax Return which shows my gross income and my dependent on it who is my son

Are all these sufficient to show that I have sole responsibility to my child?

I just want to know from someone who had a similar case before I file our application. I dont want to leave my son cause my parents who live with me are too old to take care of him. They are both 78 yrs old and are both sick. All my siblings have their own families to take care of.

Thank you.