These young soldiers to be have my full respect

On Saturday night I took one of the young trainee soldiers back to the Army college after he had been Xmas shopping.

On Sunday morning I noticed a wallet on the car floor belonging to the guy I dropped off,inside were various cards,rail pass etc and £40 cash.

I managed to get a job from town up to the camp and went to the guard room to drop the wallet off.

Meanwhile the soldiers were patiently queuing outside the guard room to be allowed to "check out" and go into town.

Being a civvy I just barged in and went to front of queue

While the Sergeant was sorting me out I was so impressed at the politeness of the guys who walked in,did a little pirouette,saluted and asked if they may get their pass

Meanwhile the sergeant took my details and thanked me for returning wallet intact and promised they would be in touch.

Over the course of the weekend I took many of the soldiers to and from camp,they are all excited as the 16th Dec is the passing out parade for the seniors.

All the family come up and it is a proud moment for all the family and a great event.

They are all looking forward to being deployed to their units and after further training will eventually end up in Afghanistan etc.

I asked do they look forward to being in Afghanistan and how do they feel about it.

Without question they all could not wait to serve their country and all agreed the Army was a great career choice for them and could not wait to get into the "action"

What a credit to this country and I told them they have my total respect and that of the majority of the British public

If only we had more youngsters like these guys instead of the lazy,drug taking can't be arsed kids we see on the streets everyday,brought up by parents who often were the same and believed the state owes them everything.

And as for those ******* poppy burners and British soldiers burn in hell *******s,well jump in my taxi and I will show you where you can have a nice picnic,close to the ahem firing range at the college