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Thread: Business Analyst/Systems Analyst Job - is there a demand in UK?

  1. #1
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    Business Analyst/Systems Analyst Job - is there a demand in UK?

    Hello I just want to know if a Business Analyst or Systems Analyst job is hard to find in UK. Is there a demand for it? I would like to know the probability of me getting a job same as what I am doing here in the Philppines. I presently work in a bank as a Systems and Methods Officer. The job description is the same as a business analyst. I am hoping to know if I could find a job easily when I get my spouse visa. If granted the visa, I will be living with my husband in Hampshire which is southern part of UK. Do you think there will be job openings on that area? Maybe someone can give me some information about my type of job.


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've no idea, but i would have thought UK experience would be important and also many IT jobs have gone in the banking sector so it could be difficult to find a job at the mo, as you would be competing agianst those with UK experience, if you cant find a job maybe try for a more junior role to get some experince. but dont give up it took my wife 5yrs in the UK to get the job she trained for in the phils.

  3. #3
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    I agree with the advice given by joe.
    Good job matches (especially in the area you are seeking) in UK just now are not as easy to find.
    May I suggest you ask your husband to send you the contact details and websites of recruitement agencies in the area you will be living. This may give a better idea of the kind of jobs that are being sought.
    One advantage of UK over Phils is that as long as you can demonstrate you have the competencies/experience to do the job you still stand a chance.

    It may take a long time to find the job you would like at the level you want here, but stay positive and you never know

  4. #4
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    Hello Joe and Terpe,

    Actually I am very willing to take any job or junior role in a financial or IT institution and hopefully later end in a job that suits my qualifications. I also intend to take a short course may be that is related to my present job when I get there. My husband already got my CV and he is doing some networking for me. I just dont want to be staying home for a long time though I do like to have a vacation first before getting a job.

    Thanks for the advices!
    God bless!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickaela View Post
    I just dont want to be staying home for a long time
    just dont give up, sometimes you have to take one step back to jump 2 steps forward

    my wife took a junior job to get experience while she took exams to enable her to do the job she trained for ..

  6. #6
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    Yeah I know. Thanks Joe! I appreciate so much all your advices.

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