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Thread: Suitcase weight

  1. #1
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    Suitcase weight

    I thought I'd load all the the presents I'm taking over to the Phil's with me into my suitcase and weigh it to see how much I've got left for clothes.

    Baggage allowance with KLM to HK is 20kg, and with PAL from HK to Manila is also 20kg's.

    I'm already upto 18kgs before I put my own clothes and toiletries in there. Looks like I'll be taking a pair of flip flops, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with me

    At least my case will be light on the return journey

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    The last time i went I had a 25kg limit. I was just 2kg over when i packed and did not have any problems as I went through the airport. It was full of presents and clothes. Like you though Ian, you can kit yourself out in Phils with no problems. When i left, my case was empty as I left all my summer clothes in our house. It only means that there will be more room for chocholate on my next visit
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  3. #3
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    KLM Switched to a piece concept earlier in the year.

    Economy ticket gives you 1 checked in bag up to 23 kg since 28th March this year. Not a lot of use for you as the second flight is PAL but you may find that PAL is reasonable for excess baggage or you could upgrade to business class on PAL it can be ludicrously cheap to do that

    I get the economy allowance + 1 additional bag up to 23 kg, don't know what I'll do when I lose my status in 2012 :( I always try to make maximum use of my allowance every time.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    The last time i went I had a 25kg limit. I was just 2kg over when i packed and did not have any problems as I went through the airport. It was full of presents and clothes. Like you though Ian, you can kit yourself out in Phils with no problems. When i left, my case was empty as I left all my summer clothes in our house. It only means that there will be more room for chocholate on my next visit
    Most of my clothes and shoes are over there already too.

    To be honest you should buy the chocolate at the duty free when you arrive, a big bag or two of Lindt is not that expensive and makes more sense than filling up a suitcase with expensive sweets from here.

  5. #5
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    + Wear 6 layers of clothes, with pockets well filled, and LARGE camera bag around your neck,
    bumbag too. ..all permitted.

  6. #6
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    A pity KLM don't give you the 46kg allowance to Honkers

  7. #7
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    In those situations I do as Steve.r does and buy my stuff in Phils.
    I have found that duty free shop at Manila to be a real rip-off. I bought loads of chocolate and found it cheaper at the mall.
    In fact I have not found much in the Manila duty free that is cheaper than LHR or HK or even Phils shopping mall.
    You can carry on loads of Duty free.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    In those situations I do as Steve.r does and buy my stuff in Phils.
    I have found that duty free shop at Manila to be a real rip-off. I bought loads of chocolate and found it cheaper at the mall.
    In fact I have not found much in the Manila duty free that is cheaper than LHR or HK or even Phils shopping mall.
    You can carry on loads of Duty free.
    That's a fair point I have noticed it getting more expensive recently, I still find it more convenient to buy at that end, I don't smoke but I usually buy a block of Marlboro for the guys as well and I'm fairly sure that's cheaper over there?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    + Wear 6 layers of clothes, with pockets well filled, and LARGE camera bag around your neck,
    bumbag too. ..all permitted.
    During the worst of the paranoia a couple of years back I was forced by an officious pratt at Glasgow airport to ditch a 40 quid camera bag, it actually had a small video device in it and that ended up in the voluminous pockets of my foul weather jacket, even after that he still was not keen on letting me through security with my small SLR camera round my neck and this was while flying KLM!

    His supervisor gave me the nod and let me through in the end.

    It was out of order, since then I always made sure I had my jacket and maybe a fleece with some extra pockets underneath, it doubles as a pillow once onboard, just in case I need to decant items into my pockets. The foul weather jacket can be handy in rainy season too

  10. #10
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    If KLM give 23kgs I should be ok, as I wont take that much clothing anyway. My only concern is that I will be in HK for 4 days and might need some warmer and smarter clothes there. I may just do what Graham says and wear 6 layer of clothes when I check in at the KLM desk in Birmingham.
    If I am a bit over PAL's 20kg allowance I can take a few bit out of my case and put them in a carrier bag. Qatar made me do that last year when I was about 10kg over.

    If any of you do want to buy cigarettes, get them from a 7-11 in any town, they are just as cheap. 200 Marlboro at the airport is 10 USD or 400 Php at a 7-11

    edit, thinking about it, I'm sure 200 ciggies was 15 USD at NAIA, definitely worth getting from a 7-11

  11. #11
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    Cigs are MUCH more expensive at NAIA, in fact everything is. That's how they make their money. I do like the cafe upstairs though, to kill time in. Used to be able to smoke in there too.

    I take absolute minimum of baggage...usually just carry-on, unless staying for a few months.

    Buy my clothes there for next to nothing...except shoes, which they don't sell in my size, and buy a cheap bag to take my booty home in at the end of the trip, because of course luggage bags are dirt-cheap there too.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    If KLM give 23kgs I should be ok, as I wont take that much clothing anyway. My only concern is that I will be in HK for 4 days and might need some warmer and smarter clothes there. I may just do what Graham says and wear 6 layer of clothes when I check in at the KLM desk in Birmingham.
    If I am a bit over PAL's 20kg allowance I can take a few bit out of my case and put them in a carrier bag. Qatar made me do that last year when I was about 10kg over.

    If any of you do want to buy cigarettes, get them from a 7-11 in any town, they are just as cheap. 200 Marlboro at the airport is 10 USD or 400 Php at a 7-11

    edit, thinking about it, I'm sure 200 ciggies was 15 USD at NAIA, definitely worth getting from a 7-11
    Well I wish I had figured that out some years ago I stopped smoking 24 years ago, it didn't even occur to me to look at the prices in the shops

    Yeah KLM is 23 kg just now, you will often get away with 1 and a bit kg over, I've done that a few times in the past.

    If I wore 6 full layers of clothes I wouldn't be able to fasten the seatbelt indeed I would probably collapse from heat exhaustion at the pub in the first airport

  13. #13
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    I'm 6 ft 4ins so I have real problems getting clothes out in the phils, so unfortunatly I have to take most of the stuff with me.

    Regarding checking in bags last time the wife and me went back she had a small handbag and a medium sized grip for carry on. At check in we where told that its only ONE bag per person in the cabin. OK fair enough managed to stuff her handbag into one of the other bags and as soon as we checked in she got it out again. Afterall its just a small handbag that was kept with her during the flight that took up no room. But then when we get on the plane the amount of people that where coming on with 4 or 5 bags was amazing. How the f### do they get away with that!! Really winds me up. Every flight I take (which is a fair few with work) I see these people. Saw one lot once, 3 people and counted 11 bags struggling down the aisle!!!!

    I'm 6 ft 4ins so I have real problems getting clothes out in the phils, so unfortunatly I have to take most of the stuff with me.

    Regarding checking in bags last time the wife and me went back she had a small handbag and a medium sized grip for carry on. At check in we where told that its only ONE bag per person in the cabin. OK fair enough managed to stuff her handbag into one of the other bags and as soon as we checked in she got it out again. Afterall its just a small handbag that was kept with her during the flight that took up no room. But then when we get on the plane the amount of people that where coming on with 4 or 5 bags was amazing. How the f### do they get away with that!! Really winds me up. Every flight I take (which is a fair few with work) I see these people. Saw one lot once, 3 people and counted 11 bags struggling down the aisle!!!!
    It's been emontional

  14. #14
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    The things that bugs me is the number of obese people who get on flights and still expect the standard baggage allowance. Surely they should weigh the passenger and their baggage and limit the overall weight per passenger to say 110 - 120kg per passenger.

    I weigh 70kgs, so with a 20Kg allowance and 5Kg of hand baggage I'm adding 95Kg to the aircrafts overall weight. Why should someone who weighs say 130kg's be allowed the same baggage allowance as me?

    There's also the issue of obese people taking up more than their fair share of the seat, I always seem to get put next to the fattest person on the plane and find I'm squashed into my seat like a sardine in a can because my neighbours lardy **** and flab flops into my space

  15. #15
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    Totally agree.

    I believe some American airlines are charging fat people for 2 seats now aren't they ?

    I suppose planes were having difficulty getting off the ground there.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Totally agree.

    I believe some American airlines are charging fat people for 2 seats now aren't they ?

    I suppose planes were having difficulty getting off the ground there.
    My best friend is morbitly obese, but he is such a nice guy. He struggles with his diet, but in the last year has lost 3 stones. I often tell him to come to Phils for a holiday, but he is very self conscious about his weight and upsetting people in that exact manner you guys describe. I can see things from both sides of the fence, having also experienced a tight seating arrangement and having a large friend.
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    I'm sure he is a nice person, but the fact is that obesity IS a huge problem in the Western world, and for the majority of those affected it is simply a matter of gluttony, combined with a rubbish diet and the availability of cheap food.

    If I smoke, then I can expect to be criticised for polluting the air of non-smokers.
    Likewise, if an obese person encroaches on my personal space because they won't accept having to pay for more than one seat...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm sure he is a nice person, but the fact is that obesity IS a huge problem in the Western world, and for the majority of those affected it is simply a matter of gluttony, combined with a rubbish diet and the availability of cheap food.

    If I smoke, then I can expect to be criticised for polluting the air of non-smokers.
    Likewise, if an obese person encroaches on my personal space because they won't accept having to pay for more than one seat...
    I agree with you Graham, and I know him well enough to tell him to his face. It is a sad fact of modern living in the west.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm sure he is a nice person, but the fact is that obesity IS a huge problem in the Western world, and for the majority of those affected it is simply a matter of gluttony, combined with a rubbish diet and the availability of cheap food.

    If I smoke, then I can expect to be criticised for polluting the air of non-smokers.
    Likewise, if an obese person encroaches on my personal space because they won't accept having to pay for more than one seat...
    Absolutely Graham I get sick of hearing the reason people is fat is down to genetics, it is down to stuffing their faces with a crap diet and too much food. I'm 6 feet tall and weighed 14 stones 10 years ago, that's probably average for my height and build, but I decided I wanted to slim down and through a good and healthy diet (no processed food) and minimal exercise I have maintained my weight at 11 to 11 1/2 stone for the last 10 years

  20. #20
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    I'm 6'1" and 12 stone...same as I was at 21.

    I can only attribute this to chronic lack of nutrition due to being too lazy to go shopping, coupled with being a smoker.

    Go up to 14st. when I stop smoking and start eating.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Absolutely Graham I get sick of hearing the reason people is fat is down to genetics, it is down to stuffing their faces with a crap diet and too much food.
    Eat just one slice of toast with butter a day more than you need to fuel your body and in four years you will be nearly four and a half stone heavier than you are now. People who eat too much do so for many and varied reasons it's not all gluttony, people who are grossly overweight don't want to be overweight, at least I don't know any who are actively trying to be overweight.

    I used to smoke over 60 cigarettes a day, now that was addiction gone mad, I stopped cold turkey in 1986 and have never touched one again and that was after 10 years of smoking, I can tell you that even when you are gifted with willpower keeping your weight down when you have a sedentary job is a damn sight harder than quitting smoking.

  22. #22
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    The answer is called exercise.

    Burn off more calories than you take in and you'll lose weight.

    I am aware of course that there is a TINY minority of fat people who have some sort of rare ailment, but as I indicated in my original post...most just eat too much rubbish food.

    A lot of them are on benefits too, and have the cheek to say that they're short of money while living almost exclusively on takeaways...not only eating rubbish, but extortionately priced rubbish, AND smoking AND drinking alcohol.

    You won't even find me in a chippy (certainly not for at least the past 15 years), not when I can cook my own for a third of the price.

    Sorry, but I've little sympathy for whinging fat lazy people.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The answer is called exercise.

    Burn off more calories than you take in and you'll lose weight.

    I am aware of course that there is a TINY minority of fat people who have some sort of rare ailment, but as I indicated in my original post...most just eat too much rubbish food.

    A lot of them are on benefits too, and have the cheek to say that they're short of money while living almost exclusively on takeaways...not only eating rubbish, but extortionately priced rubbish, AND smoking AND drinking alcohol.

    You won't even find me in a chippy (certainly not for at least the past 15 years), not when I can cook my own for a third of the price.

    Sorry, but I've little sympathy for whinging fat lazy people.
    I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't own a deep fat fryer and can't remember the last time I fried any kind of food. Every week when I'm at the checkout queue in the supermarket I have a nose at the fat person in front of me's trolley. In nearly every case it is full of crap, and stodge mainly based around processed white sugar, white flour and saturated fat, it's very rare there's ever any fresh fruit and vegetables except for a bag of spuds
    You can't even call the crap most people eat convenience food, it takes just as long to prepare a meal based around convenience food as it does to prepare a meal with fresh meat or fish and vegetables/salad and I don't think it costs any more to be healthy either

  24. #24
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    Funny how there are several quite predjudicial feelings against fat people. I am 5'9" and 11.75stones I think I am fat and need to lose weight. Not all of us are the same, and not everyone fits into some quite blinkered views.
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  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think Fat here is defined 20 stone+
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
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    I think fat is any weight that people feel uncomfortable carrying. Anyway, its off topic really.

    It would be nice for airlines to allow more baggage on longer haul flights, not everyone has the facility to store or leave clothing in Phils. 20KG is really a small amount to pack and is not really alot of clothing.
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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Funny how there are several quite predjudicial feelings against fat people. I am 5'9" and 11.75stones I think I am fat and need to lose weight. Not all of us are the same, and not everyone fits into some quite blinkered views.
    Not really Steve, I don't have anything against fat people, back to my original point, I just feel that people above a certain weight should have to sacrifice their baggage allowance so that everyone is adding roughly the same weight to an aircraft.....and pointing out that those people who say they want to lose weight should look at what they eat....none of us are perfect, I'm a smoker and keep saying I want to quit but haven't yet.
    It's acceptable to be critical of smokers and to complain about smokers costing the NHS a fortune (despite the £5Bn + a yr they add to HMRC coffers), but not to be critical of those who pile crap down their necks all day long and cost the NHS a fortune in later life when they suffer from heart disease and other diseases which may have been prevented or delayed if they had eaten sensibly

  28. #28
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    I am not disagreeing with what you say about evening it all up. But unfortunately it seems society has to rely on processed foods more and more in our 'fast' lives, I guess we are lucky that we can choose to eat wisely. Years ago, it was a sign of wealth to be fat, how times change!
    I quite look forward to going to phils to eat fresh food each day.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    . Years ago, it was a sign of wealth to be fat, how times change!
    I quite look forward to going to phils to eat fresh food each day.
    Very true, and i think it still is in many parts of the developing world, I'm sure most of us are nagged by our Filipina's to put on some weight Despite the tempation of the Fat Bee chain and a high sugar diet in the Phil's, I find I usually lose a few pounds when I visit as the heat and humidity lessens my appetite....either that or the Red Horse makes me forget to eat

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    In the interests of keeping this topic lightweight...I have nothing to add.

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