Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
We knew a woman married to an old guy in the UK that left her kids in the R.P..She often came round for visits crying on my wifes shoulder saying how much she missed them..She worked from dawn till dusk in a sweat shop in Stevenage for years sending everything back to her kids in the P.I whilst putting up with her old drunken Brit...
Shes still there but we were told she lost her job and is now working as a carer in an old peoples home..
Poor cow.
... poor woman, right enough! Imagine having to put up with some old fart - a drunken one, at that - on top of missing her kids. I'll bet, too, she's probably ages with his daughter (if he has one!) Now she's ended up nursing other [dare I say?] cantankerous old geezers ... and working all hours there into the bargain. (Some "bargain"! ) What a life ... eh!?