Quote Originally Posted by MarkR View Post
Yes he knows about, me. He is often there in the apartment whilst she spends all night chatting to me online!
He has actually threatened that if she visits me (or marries me) he will completely abandon her and the kids, which in a way would be perfect! Though not if she visited and then we didn't marry for some reason
ask if he could put that in writing

the link i sent you, maybe you could email the person who runs the blog as they appear ro be an attorney

Please be patient if you have e-mailed me

For those of you who have e-mailed me with legal questions, please do be patient. It takes me seven to ten days to answer e-mails or the posted questions. Besides this blog and my Family Matters website, I do have several other things (personal and professional) to attend to.

also see if you can get some free lega aid from your local law centre


and maybe try IAS


but doing what you said might be the best option. I'm not sure what rights the father has if he kicked up a fuss, maybe if the british embassy will not give a visa for them, possibility that getting a family permit for them all , you've more of a legal right than under the british immigration system,