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Thread: My fiance is a victim of this "DUBLIN SKYLON HOTEL - SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL"

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    My fiance is a victim of this "DUBLIN SKYLON HOTEL - SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL"

    After a long search to find answer to our questions and doubts, finally we've found the answer. My fiance is a victim of this "DUBLIN SKYLON HOTEL - SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL". We are too late to know that all of this is a scam. And the saddest part of this is that we have already send them big amount of money for the processing of the documents of my fiance and guaranteed him a job in DUBLIN SKYLON HOTEL as an ADMIN. CUSTOMER SERVICE .
    My fiance applied online at this site last October 7,2010 and got a reply coming from SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL on October 13, 2010. And from there on their communication started.
    First, SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL have told my fiance to send money for the processing of his visa application which is 150 POUNDS or 12 THOUSAND PESOS and contact this email add for his visa processing : My fiance have send him the money thru WESTERN UNION.
    This is the payment details:
    After a week, he told my fiance to pay 560 POUNDS or 43 THOUSAND PESOS as a payment for the BRITISH INLAND REVENUE COMMISSION thru PETER VIENTO the BIRC Commisioner and this is his email add: . That is A CLEARANCE TAX FEE FOR NON UK APPLICANTS. He also send him the money.
    This is the payment details:
    My fiance have send an email to SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL asking if there would be no future payments for the shipment of his documents here in the Philippines and he replied that is the last payment to be made. But after couple of days, he emailed my fiance again and asking him to pay for 375 POUNDS or 27 THOUSAND PHILIPPINE PESO for his registration certificate because he is an immigrant and as advice by a person named ATTORNEY THERESA JESSY HOMER this is her email add: as endorsed by SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL. My fiance send them the money again.
    This is the payment details:
    And according to ATTORNEY THERESA JESSY HOMER, my fiance would need to send her 750 POUNDS or 57 THOUSAND PHILIPPINE PESO for his account opening at HSBC. She said that he would need this account as a supporting financial document for his appearance at the UK EMBASSY in the Philippines. SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL told my fiance that after we send the payment this would be the last step and his parcel would be delivered in his doorstep after 72 hours. So, my fiance send the money again in western union last December 8, 2010. His documents has been handled by GLOBAL DYNAMIC SECURITY EXPRESS and even received a confirmation message via email by the courier service company.
    Last night (December 9, 2010) as we have checked my fiance’s email he had received a message coming from a personnel of GLOBAL DYNAMIC SECURITY EXPRESS that his parcel had been put on hold by the the MALAYSIAN SECURITY VAULT because it doesn’t have the clearance pass. The MALAYSIAN SECURITY VAULT have emailed my fiance that he should pay $1450 or 68 THOUSAND PHILIPPINE PESO. According to them this payment is for his parcel to be cleared and the courier company can continue their delivery for this said parcel. The involved persons here are: HASSAN AMIN and ZURAIDA SALIP.
    SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL had advice that he should pay them the fee and it is beyond their power of control and that there would be no delays because they will contact the UK EMBASSY for the appearance of my fiance and told him that his schedule for travel for UK is on December 19,2010.
    So with the last message of ZURAIDA SALIP and HASSAN AMIN and with this big amount of money that they asked and upon research we found out that all of this is a scam. Sad to hear that lots of websites are catering and offering these jobs online connecting with the name of SIR CHIRR ROUCHAEL and DUBLIN SKYLON HOTEL. We are very unlucky that we have get into this situation and spending a big sum of money and losing our hopes and dreams because of believing to this CON ARTIST.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    sir chirr roucheal

    lets hope others see this and dont get scammed
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post

    lets hope others see this
    ! Indeed ... thanks to Ronie!

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    It’s the people desperate to work instead of claiming benefits that might fall for these scams

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Ronie ... /we're sorry your fiance was unlucky enough to get unwittingly "caught out" by these racketeers. for taking the time to share [with us] this sad tale of his misfortune - in the hope of safeguarding others against falling into the same trap - and a warm to our fellowship.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    It’s the people desperate to work instead of claiming benefits that might fall for these scams
    ... hence I think it might be a good if Ronie's thread were made a "sticky"!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you could report it online, I doubt you would get your money back, but it might stop others being ripped off

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    it's a bit sad to think of it but these are lessons that we can't hardly're welcome..^_^

  9. #9
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    you have a point there mick!..but all the replies and the documents being sent to my fiance by those people are good as true and they have stamp seals to certify that those documents are certified true copy. We didn't expect that it was a scam.

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    ..I appreciate your warm welcome Arthur..Thank you so much..I do hope that there would be no other people that would fall to the trap of these CON ARTIST because they are posting hiring notice on different websites over the net. Everyone should take caution!.

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    @ joeblogs:
    - I already reported it to the link that you've given..thanks!..Everyone should take caution..

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ronie's Avatar
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    @ joeblogg

    ..I already reported it to to the link that you've given..Thank You!..Hence, everyone should take caution..:behead

  13. #13
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    i am one of those victim of this stupid dublin skylonehotel ireland all our money went out because of this, i loose all my hopes and dreams too.why only now its too late suposedly my flight is january 11 then postponed january 19 and again january 25.up to this time Sir Chirr Rouchael not update me anymore when i ask all of this i spend a lot of money all i know he can help me for a better future,..what a stupid DUBLINSKYLONEHOTEL IRELAND shame on you.

  14. #14
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Sad that so many people get conned out of their hard-earned money to scams like this. Make me sick that these people prey on the people that really want to work and also that can't afford to lose their money like that. I would have been suspicious that all the addresses were different, no-where near Dublin and also that none of the addresses had job titles, company or department details and were just like personal people's addresses.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    good to see you back south-east boy

  16. #16
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Anyone remember the group of UK builders back in the 1990's who found themselves penniless and stranded in Manila after a recruitment scam?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  17. #17
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    I receve also the same email but I didn't pay yeat. Thank's to you I realise that is a scam
    Certificate of Registration Dublin Skylon Hotel Copy.jpg
    Awarded Dublin Skylon Hotel Certificate of Employment ELENA ALINA POSTOLACHE.JPG
    Job Order - Contract Letter Dublin Skylon Hotel Ireland ELENA ALINA POSTOLACHE.JPG
    Dublin Skylon Hotel Appointment Certificate ELENA ALINA POSTOLACHE.JPG



    All matters related to the arrival of a foreigner in UK are dealt with in the 2002 Federal Law entitled on the rights of foreign citizens in the UK, also known as the Law on Foreigners. Under this law, all foreigners are free to exercise their capability to work, choose their career and profession, and have the right to freely utilize their personal property in any enterprise or economic undertaking not prohibited by law. Like many other UK laws, this one certainly sounds appealing and democratic. The dilemma lies in the fact that this law can, at least for the time being, be considered Utopian, but in practice, foreigners in UK cannot use their means freely, because back in 1993, a procedure was established for employers to attract and use foreign labour. This system is still in force, even with the passage of the new law. In order for a company registered in UK to have the right to legally employ a foreigner; it has to secure two permits. The first is the permission to invite and employ foreign labour; the second is a work permit for every foreign worker.

    As a rule, companies working in this sector offer consulting services for preparing the documents necessary for receiving a permit and represent the employer's interests at every step of the procedure - at an average fee of about 150 GBP per person. This sum includes the IRS permit and a permit for one employee. The more foreigners it has to register, the less it costs per person due for registering one foreigner.

    The impression I have is that at the level of the administration of the offices involved in the registration process, people understand that the requirements are very difficult to meet, and this is conducive to breaking the law, I think that the war against illegal immigration will be re-examined. At the very least, lately I have heard it said more and more that the procedure must be changed for the top level of management

    The permit procedure consists of five steps and takes an average of one month with the help of a company that specializes in registering foreigners. This time period, it should be noted, is approximate and comes from information garnered from the Stale administration, which essentially means that it could take much longer. If a company decides to seek a permit independently, without recourse to a professional company, the time may drag on indefinitely.

    Applicants documents are been processed for the meantime other documents such as your employment contract and other legalised documents will be coming along to you via postal services, meanwhile contact the Office with this reference copies and request for the visa form and the payment for processing information, as soon as you fill and return your visa form along with the payment slip, he shall legalise your documents and post the hard copies including letter of invitation and other legalised/approved documents for easy acquisition of your entry clearance.

    Other items such as Employment Contracts and Insurance documents will be processed later and get to you before your visa will be stamped.

    Once the documents gets to you today, Contact the officer with your passport details and copy of employment documents.

    If you do not have a work/residence permits papers to United Kingdom, you have to make contact with the United Kingdom Immigration Visa Agent Service here in United Kingdom for the procurement of your Visa and work/residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employee’s necessary travelling papers:

    Applicant be rest assured that these documents been issued to you are not the legal documents yet, the hard copies need to be legalised, this is only a reference copies that you will show to the UK Immigration Visa Agent as to enable him issue the visa form to you, furthermore these documents has not yet been registered or entered to any official office until you fill and return your visa form, once the Immigration Visa Agent confirm your Visa form and the accompanied processing payment slip he will start legalising your hard copies documents including your Invitation Letter which usually take 3 weeks that is why you need to return the visa form and the processing payment slip within 3 days from any day he issue the visa form to you.
    Email the reference copies to this email and request for visa form and the payment information/details

    Office of Immigration Email Contact:

    Once again these are the items you required to scan and send to the officer

    2x2 passport ordinary photocopy
    Current postal address
    Passport number, passport date of issued and passport expiry date
    Date of Birth
    International Passport

    In the parcel that will be posted to you include:

    Contract Documents
    Invitation Letter
    ID card
    Documents stating your benefits, salary and other needed information
    Copies of your original application data starting from you CV which you will need to submit to the embassy for stamping of your visa when they call you
    Copies of this scanned attached to this email.

    NB: Contact the officer on the given email with these documents and your passport details, he will issue the working visa form and payment information along with guide note on how to fill the visa form and return back to him within 3 days.

    Best of lucks
    Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin, Ireland

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  18. #18
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    hi... thanks for this site i'm also one of the person they contact to work with them but i'm really confuse because i'm also X ofw thats why i'm confuse why it so easy to apply with them and in just one snap they will gave me visa application etc. without even a formal interview that why me and my husband search for the truth with this chirr rouchael and finally we found this site.yesterday i filled up the application form they gave me and today they gave me another form and they told me when i finish all that they will give me my visa application but thanks i will entertain that anymore i thought i can finally get another job but i'm not lucky..

  19. #19
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    My father was almost a victim by this THIEF hrm manager sir chirr rouchael...(just a few weeks)

    he has a crazy valid words of pronouns...regarding the processing for example the visa...etc..
    he uses the word "UK embassy" which is a crazy fact...
    and the other stuff thing whis is true regarding, working abroad.

    every words that he replies in the email is just like a professional manager person...but the fact is, he is thief/liar/most of all scam person for a decade...

    I will never let this person rest in his comfort zone..
    Im a Predator..hes my prey..hahhaa

    point view of scam person;

    Convincing they are right,
    Showing a false picture of reality,
    And anyone who disagrees
    Must always be wrong.

    I really thank Jesus for giving us such wisdom....waw!
    thank this site and you guyz...for having such a boldness to spread this kind of situation/news and also to aware others...

  20. #20
    Member madmitch537's Avatar
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    when i first started using a pc i would of believed everything that popped up on my screen it was scary to have to learn to look after and make sure stuff on the internet is safe real or even secure the more people who can expose any scam big or small may help others avoid the heartache and loss of money they dont often have and borrow in the first place keep up the good work
    its big business to scam people especially its now so easy to get stuff on the net
    heartless crooks is being polite so plse be carefull no matter how real it looks or desperate you may be to gain work or love
    interesting reading not something i will forget
    my suggestion is tell anyone who will listen esp in a vunerable position
    people on here should make a chat with there girls wherever they are to spread the word through the philippines it could save alot of anguish later on
    good luck regards mark

  21. #21
    Member Filipinamom's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing. This is really scary. Some people are just not scared to go to hell...

  22. #22
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    hi all i am english and i have a filipino girlfriend who is currently working in dubai
    and she had applied for this job also but luckly we found out about the scam before she paid any money,so i have emailed the company with the evidence we have found about this scam and hopefully put a end to this once and for all

    i will post the reply i get to the email so you all can have more information about this

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