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Thread: Whats happening in the UK?????

  1. #1
    gingxrick's Avatar
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    Whats happening in the UK?????

    It seems every morning we get up,turn on the tv, another teenager is killed in the UK, 5 in the last 6 weeks, maybe it would be a lot safer to live in the Philippines than in the UK.

    Now with the mini budget coming this Wednesday they say that 4x4 road tax will rise to £450 in a couple of years, cigs will rise 10p, drink up by another 1p per pint,wine 5p per bottle, etc etc etc etc.

    Maybe some of the members would like to comment on this.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Many murders go unreported every week in the UK, most domestic, but the media presently have a things for knives. Stats for murder are about the same year on year.

    Couldn't give a hoot what they charge for 4x4's, I'll be getting a BIGGER one next Mr Brown .....I'll be using a little of the money I save by not paying 10% tax on betting.....the tax you cancelled
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    just like a typical scouser, looking after himself

    I think the UK is a lot safer than the philippines, most police are still not armed, security guards are not armed, we dont have armed guards at banks, malls etc.

    According to the INTERPOL data, for murder, the rate in 2000 was 7.85 for the Philippines, 1.10 for Japan, and 5.51 for USA. For rape, the rate in 2000 was 4.21 for the Philippines, compared with 1.78 for Japan and 32.05 for USA. For robbery, the rate in 2000 was 8.06 for the Philippines, 4.08 for Japan, and 144.92 for USA. For aggravated assault, the rate in 2000 was 15.10 for the Philippines, 23.78 for Japan, and 323.62 for USA. The rate for motor vehicle theft in 2000 was 3.26 for the Philippines, compared with 44.28 for Japan and 414.17 for USA.

    According to the INTERPOL data, for murder, the rate in 2001 was 1.63 per 100,000 population for United Kingdom 1.10 for Japan, and 5.61 for USA. For rape, the rate in 2001 was 16.50 for United Kingdom, compared with 1.78 for Japan and 31.77 for USA. For robbery, the rate in 2001 was 182.69 for United Kingdom, 4.08 for Japan, and 148.50 for USA. For aggravated assault, the rate in 2001 was 30.07 for United Kingdom, 23.78 for Japan, and 318.55 for USA. For burglary, the rate in 2001 was 1,605.14 for United Kingdom, 233.60 for Japan, and 740.80 for USA. The rate of larceny for 2001 was 3,468.55 for United Kingdom, 1401.26 for Japan, and 2484.64 for USA. The rate for motor vehicle theft in 2001 was 650.47 for United Kingdom, compared with 44.28 for Japan and 430.64 for USA. The rate for all index offenses combined was 5955.05 for United Kingdom, compared with 1709.88 for Japan and 4160.51 for USA. (Note that Japan data are for year 2000)

    looking at these figures, the murder rate is near 5 times higher in the philippines than the UK, but the rape figure is near 4 times higher here ! , and the robbery rate is a lot higher here, maybe if shop owners had guns it be lower . I think maybe also people are encouraged to report crime here.

    iam definatley sure the number of solved murders and serious crime rate is higher here than the philippines with the use of natonal databases and dna databases.

    the only thing that me off is the inconsistancy of sentances, a dangerous driver might get community service , while another prison, some walk free , while others get prison. maybe its time, like in certain parts of the philippines we have a curfew for teenagers and can not gather in groups of more than 2. also try to educate the jobs and the hoddies.

    stop worrying, you just make yourself ill and die of a heart attack becuase of the stress

    oh and looking at the stats, i dont beleive them at all ! this place has gotta to be safer than the USA !
    with stats if you put your head in the fridge and your feet in the oven , you be ok, but infact you would be half frozen and half burnt !

  4. #4
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    There has and always will be lots of murders, things just get reported more these days.

    Plus, the media likes to pic a 'hot topic' to focus on for a few weeks/months, then moves on to something else.

    I hate the news on tv and in papers now, they rarely tell us anything factual, but instead we get endless speculation from guest experts and so on.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    A few jockeys I'd like to have put down
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    A few jockeys I'd like to have put down
    Jockey serial killer!

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I would like to point out;
    I have NEVER murdered a box of corn flakes
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I would like to point out;
    I have NEVER murdered a box of corn flakes
    no but your guilty of mudering classic jokes, ken dodds one-liners and status quo songs

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Oasis......Advert for Manchester - Crack Central of the World
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingxrick View Post
    Now with the mini budget coming this Wednesday they say that 4x4 road tax will rise to £450 in a couple of years, .

    Maybe some of the members would like to comment on this.
    Yeah, phase in a road tax hike over two years for big car owners (for whom a few hundred quid is probably petty cash) but whop the ILR fee up by £250 in one go without batting an eyelid!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ILR should be £15,000
    ....and you get a free 4x4
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Oasis......Advert for Manchester - Crack Central of the World
    looks like us manc's are too late with the wall, the scousers are in coronation street now , sinbad has risen ! . why do scousers always think their funny ? , looks like we know who nicked bob monkhouses joke book

    i thought oasis seen themselfs as ??

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I see the government are considering building a high wall around Manchester with one door in it........a sign over the door will read Strangeways
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i know the gov are rounding up all the scousers b4 liverpud land is city of culture , and deporting them, the gov has told them they are going to a holiday resort called strangeways

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