What does 'foreigners' have to do with racism ?
Only to the politically correct who are in the process of screwing up our culture.
There are dozens of foreign countries where the indigenous population is primarily Caucasian.
Religion has NOTHING to do with racism.
Please think before you post.
Dedworth is perfectly entitled to air his views, and for the self-righteous among us, there probably isn't a person on this planet who isn't without some sort of prejudice.
Thank goodness we don't all resort to bombing innocent people in Stockholm, where I might add, my ex resides and where my son will be going to spend his Xmas holidays.
The actions of immigrant terrorist scum DO affect all of us.
FACTS here: The bomber was an immigrant from Iraq, has a wife and children in Luton, and was a Muslim.
Let's all just keep quiet about it eh ?