I don't know if its your cup of tea but when I think of classics, John Wayne films always come to mind especially True Grit....................ps The Lady Killers is definitely a classic!
Definitely can't stand noisy, violent movies.But even less do I like the modern-day penchant for senselessly "kicking-off" - often literally - films [apparently] halfway through the performances as if they were advertising 'trailers' depicting rampageous shoot-outs
and/or brawls/punch-ups,
*screeching car tyres, &c. ... *which I absolutely detest! What's wrong with a good, old-fashioned story?
As Julie Andrews sang in 'The Sound of Music': "let's start at the very begin~ning ... it's a very good place to start!" And why on earth not?![]()
Bambi & Watership down![]()
Keith - Administrator
Casablanca, and Brief Encounter for great stories, any Marx Brothers or Ealing Comedies for belly laughs.
Or fior more recent fare try Land and Freedom directed by Ken Loach.
The inclination to turn off b/w films should be resisted as there are some real gems,the original Lavender Hill Mob, 1946 Great Expectations, Alexander Korda films such as The Four Feathers, David Lean films,Lawrence of Arabia.
Also like watching French films, having to read the sub titles a chore though,as they dont normally overdo the crash bang wallop that you see with US films.
This is classic comedy...1953 'Monsieur Hulot's Holiday'. Jacques Tati
films - some ideas
12 angry men
citizen kane (1941)
casablanca (1942)
the godfather (1972)
gone with the wind (1939)
lawrence of arabia (1962)
on the waterfront (1954)
it's a wonderful life (1946)
sunset boulevard (1950)
the bridge on the river kwai (1957)
some like it hot (1959)
all about eve (1950)
the african queen (1951)
psycho (1960)
one flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975)
the grapes of wrath (1940)
2001: A space odyssey (1968)
the maltese falcon (1941)
dr. Strangelove (1964)
bonnie and clyde (1967)
apocalypse now (1979)
mr. Smith goes to washington (1939)
the treasure of the sierra madre (1948)
the godfather part ii (1974)
high noon (1952)
to kill a mockingbird (1962)
it happened one night (1934)
midnight cowboy (1969)
the best years of our lives (1946)
double indemnity (1944)
doctor zhivago (1965)
north by northwest (1959)
west side story (1961)
rear window (1954)
king kong (1933)
the birth of a nation (1915)
a streetcar named desire (1951)
a clockwork orange (1971)
butch cassidy and the sundance kid (1969)
the philadelphia story (1940)
from here to eternity (1953)
amadeus (1984)
all quiet on the western front (1930)
m*a*s*h (1970)
the third man (1949)
fantasia (1940)
rebel without a cause (1955)
vertigo (1958)
stagecoach (1939)
the silence of the lambs (1991)
the manchurian candidate (1962)
an american in paris (1951)
shane (1953)
the french connection (1971)
ben-hur (1959)
wuthering heights (1939)
the gold rush (1925)
city lights (1931)
modern times (1936)
giant (1956)
duck soup (1933)
mutiny on the bounty (1935)
frankenstein (1931)
patton (1970)
the jazz singer (1927)
my fair lady (1964)
a place in the sun (1951)
the apartment (1960)
the searchers (1956)
bringing up baby (1938)
yankee doodle dandy (1942)
I haven't been to the pictures for at least 20 years !
Now when they tell me the price it's like being punched in the face.
Same reason I can't bring myself to get on a bus.
It's a good film Les, I just watched National Geographic - Great Escape Revenge on the Gestapo (dodgy torrent download) about how the RAF Police after the war tracked down and strung up 13 Nazis who murdered the great escapers. Halfway through Rock & Chips now on the BBC I player
I feel like a some comedy now so I might watch a re-run of that old classic Liverpool v wolves never fails to raise a smile![]()
you have got me downloading Great Escape Revenge on the Gestapo now![]()
For me watching Liverpool is a comedy for most Liverpool fans its a horror movie
Amazing how genres can change just like that![]()
It's good but I thought I'd seen it before - after you watch it have a look at C4 The Great Escape The Reckoning
If you like gangster films.. apart from the Godfather trilogy which were truly great take a look at Angels with dirtyfaces starring James Cagney and Pat O'Brien!!!
Best film Ive seen recently is true romance.. I posted my favourite scene in another thread but worth posting again in case you missed it Les..
They just dont make actors like Dennis Hopper anymore...May he rest in peace.
cant beat some old black and white films , laurel and hardy films were so funny and the silent movies were all great , best time to watch them is very early in the mornings , just when you want a pick me up makes you smile even laugh too, some of those stunts they did in the old movies , its a wonder that no body was killed
What happened to all the black and white silent comedies ?
I just love them, but they're never shown on TV now.
Has someone bought them all up and hidden them in a cupboard ?![]()
Great Expectations, Oliver Twist (Musical), David Copperfield, My Fair Lady, Baby Jane, West Side Story, Once Upon a time in america, A funny thing happened on the way to the forum![]()
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
Where eagles dare
Stand by me
Shawshank redemption
just seen 12 angry men for the first time-awesome!
Saw Godfather 1 brill
Next classic is "wait until dark" 1967 that's for Monday night
Watched Piranha :( biggest pile of rubbish ever
'Wait until Dark'.
Is that about a blind lady (A.Hepburn?).
If so, I saw that in Harrogate in about 1969....frightened the life out of me...great film!![]()
I lived at home in Knaresborough with the parents then, but used to travel to York 6 days a week on the train for my work.![]()
as old films go its a great one![]()
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