Hi guys,
It has been a while since my last post, we have set a date for our wedding which is the 7th August 2011 and it has been 8 months since we have been together which a very long time and it another 7 months before we are together again.

The problem I seem to be have is during our conversations we always have months were we go without an argument and then all of a sudden I seem to start one for some reason don’t ask me why I don’t know.

I just need some advice on how to deal with months of separation and when we argue is about small stuff but sometimes it is big stuff like trust which is a hard thing for me but it keeps coming up when we do argue.
Has anyone been separated for more than year? And what do you guys do to keep the conversation fresh and also what do you guys do in your spare time when you’re not chatting to each other or not at work, as I mostly play WoW which my girl says I’m an addict but I beg to differ and i also like to go out from time to time which is not that often now.