Worth having a look at your ADSL Filter how long have you had it? Like others say SPeed tests dont always help much im pretty sure some ISP's ensure the test run smoothly
Most likely Arthur Sir, its down to higher demand, simply people at home. Many will be working from home where they log in via their company laptop and of course People even if they cant work from home or Children at school will of course be browsing the internet when normally they be out of the home. Also the many people who now have smartphones will have their mobile smartphones connecting to wlan rather than their normal GPRS/3g signal as at home all of which sucks up more demand.
Id second Jim regarding Browsers it does make a massive difference. As will of course what computer protection you have set up and running as some will make it appear your Internet connection is slower when open webpages and downloading.
PLus you did say Talk TalkNever been a customer of CPW apart from the odd PAYG phone so its unlocked but having recently had an insight in to their setup im amazed they mange to function at all..