we all have differant memories, mine was just shear nerves at first, landed had to find the loo, just following everyone then , i found it quite easy and very nice afterwards though, my only problem was walking through the airport and like mick says the phone did not work either, was where was everyone, no one waiting for me so i asked, what is your name they said , then they said down the ramp and look under W, was she on drugs i thought but hay ho i am here, so off i went, then it hit me the heat the noise and the crowds, wow wow wow, what a site greated me and there was emma , she was my guide so really i did not get ripped off at all, yes there where times when i paid extra just to get there quicker sometimes but it was worth it and the thanks you got from the people too was a pleasure , i would do it tomorrow if i could and anyone thinking of doing it , go one its frightning at first but that soon goes