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Thread: Conflicting asnwers on the 180 days max stay

  1. #1
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Conflicting asnwers on the 180 days max stay

    HI all,

    I spoke to the Embassy here in Brunei yesterday on the 6 month stay in the UK.

    Our problem is that my asawa spent 9 weeks in the UK from November till January (2010-11)

    We have now applied for a two year multi entry, but it states 6 months maximum stay.

    Now the issue i have as it seems on everything that i have read that the 6 month stay is for a 12 month period, therefore, if this visa is granted, the wife can only stay in the uk for a max of 4 months before she has to leave until November.

    However when i asked the Embassy staff in Brunei yesterday they said no she will get 6 months from when she first enters the UK on the new visa. (I would love for this to be true, but something is niggling at me telling me this is wrong.

    Anyone else had experience of this?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think they are wrong, i believe its your not allowed to be in the uk more than 6 months in the last year..

  3. #3
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    thanks joe bloggs, i thought that as well, damn another hurdle to cross!!!, i have also heard that if the border agency think you are staying too long they will give you a warning first.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nah i dont think so, but when you applied for the visa and you said you want to visit 2 or 3 months but stayed 6 months you might get a warning next time

  5. #5
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    first visa was granted for 6 months, we only used 2 x 2 week visits, second visa, we stated a 9 week visit and that is all that she stayed for. We have stated on this one that there will be 2 x 2-3 month visits this year (due to a project i am working on)

    Such a pain i only need it to be granted until August, and then we can apply for the spouse visa. (looks like we will have to take our chances and see what happens when we arrive in the UK at the border agency.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruneicop View Post
    first visa was granted for 6 months, we only used 2 x 2 week visits, second visa, we stated a 9 week visit and that is all that she stayed for. We have stated on this one that there will be 2 x 2-3 month visits this year (due to a project i am working on)

    Such a pain i only need it to be granted until August, and then we can apply for the spouse visa. (looks like we will have to take our chances and see what happens when we arrive in the UK at the border agency.
    In principle all visit visa's granted are for 6 months validity no matter how long you requested.
    I advise you to be very careful about any 'ideas' or 'chances' you may be thinking about.
    From what you've said you certainly will be in contact with UKBA in the short term future. Please do not put your wife in any insecure position.

  7. #7
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe, i wont be, we will be honest and ask them when we arrive in the UK to be on the safe side

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    In principle all visit visa's granted are for 6 months validity no matter how long you requested.
    that is true, but staying a lot longer than you said you would could cause problems the next time you apply for a VV, because say you stated you was, say staying for 1 month and supplied financial evidence to support that 1 month, but if you had appllied to stay for say 3 or 4 months the ECO could say your finances are not enough to support 3 or 4 months, even thou you managed to survive on that 1 months of fiances for 3 or 4 months, eco could sday its not enough and risks you will work illegally..

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