I hope you don't mind my story not coming from the Philippines but it is a traveller's story, so perhaps you will forgive the inclusion here.
About 20 years ago, I was working as an electronics technician in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
I had to maintain radio beacons offshore and this entailed flying out to oil-rigs and oil platforms every few days by helicopter.
Check all batteries were fully charged, all cables were in good order, make sure the offshore vessels could keep knowing their positions at sea.
The mostly Britisth men in the oil camp were working daily shifts as mechanics, electricians, cooks and many other usual types of work.
I used to have all day to myself, getting paid a lot, just to pass the time in any way I could. A life of Riley.
One day I decided to take a walk down to the beach, which was always deserted, for a long walk.
I decided to go nude as I had never done this before and in front of me was a pristine beach of many miles ahead.
I decided to leave my shorts by the side of the sand in a little undergrowth, marked with some stones grouped together - a tip I picked up from my days in various deserts.
Anyway, I walked starkers for an hour out and an hour back. So relaxing.
There wasn't a sole on the beach all that time, I spent a lot of time walking with my eyes closed, knowing there was nothing to bump into.
Just to be on the safe side when I got back to my shorts, I threw them into the sea to wash them.
When the shorts hit the sea they bobbed about for a while and as I dived in the shorts disappeared

I kept seeing them surfacing and as I dived in many times, the currents took them somewhere else.
So, finally giving up the ghost, I stood there with no shorts on thinking of my next course of action; make a grass skirt, find many large leaves to bind together. Usual Robinson Crusoe stuff
I started walking back along the beach towards the camp looking for a solution.
Lo and behold, there was another pair of shorts lying on the sand, all firmly crusted up with salt crystals.
I just laughed out loud, people wouldn't believe what solutions to problems appear when you least expect them to.
So I took the newly found shorts down to the sea and this time firmly gripping them, I washed them in the sea. I popped them on and "voila" a pefect fit. Knock me down with a feather

I walked back to the camp, went to my room, had a shower, relaxed and waited for the evening meal.
I retold this story to the "lads" and we all had a good laugh over a few beers.
The following day I went out on the choppers, did the job and returned from the oil field for the evening meal again.
Whilst tucking into a fine meal, "Bob" came in and was talking to one of his mates at the next table.
"Bloody hell, you remember that trainee mechanic M'bobo, the one who helped me all last year? Poor bugger is in hospital with a pain in one of his nuts. I visited him as his wife came and told me about the state he was in. I'll pop back tomorrow, see how he is."
The following night came after another day spent lounging about on my behalf. Life is good."
Back in the canteen, a bloke asks "How's M'bobo, Bob. Any improvement?" Bob replied "Oh jeez, poor sod's in a bad way, his testicle has grown to the size of a small football, they don't know what has caused it but someone saw him putting on a crusty pair of overalls he found in the yard. Seems like there's a small bug that lives in old thrown away clothes".
Well obviously a broken sleep was my night's turmoil whilst checking out my itlogs for any signs of enlargement.
Two days later back in the canteen, Bob: "Well lads, that's it for M'bobo. He has had the local witch doctor at his bedside all night, nowt the doctors at the hospital can do now".
A completely sleepless night ensued back in my room. No sign of any growth in my itlogs yet though!
Next day, Bob: "That's it M'bobo has died, his ball turned black and they had to cut it off to try to save him but no luck. I've left some money with his wife, such a shame, such a sad story".
By this time I am in a really bad way, no sleep for days or nights, terrible thoughts of my imminent demise.
A day or two later, the job ended. I didn't have to demobilise all the offshore equipment, just complete my job daily log ready for the client, book a flight and pack my clothes.
As I was about to leave, a bloke came to see me in my room. A nice fella, we had jogged together a week or so earlier.
"Hello mate, just thought i'd let you know that M'bobo story was all 'cock and bull'. I was offshore and heard all about it today when I flew in. Seems all the fellas were jealous of you relaxing all the time as they went to work. Relax, enjoy your leave and put it down to experience."
I sat there for a few minutes, muttered £&^%£"*, picked up my bags, glad for closure and headed off for the airport.
Another job completed, now back to the cold weather.