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Thread: Any embarrassing moments whilst in the Philippines?

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  1. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I was out with my mahal, her uncle, aunt and daughter and her girlfriend as we all rode our motorbikes to the coast. After a while, I really started to need to have a number one, but you know what it is like, no public toilets, every 50 yards there is someone sat or walking, not much in the way of privicy. My mahal said, 'just go anywhere, its no problem' Well, being a bit shy about that sort of thing, I said, 'no, its ok, I can wait' Later as my bowel started to be irritated by the bumpy roads, I was frantically looking for a place to go. Suddenly there was no trees, just open palay fields, well, being so desperate, I found a small tree and hid as best I could to have a leak.
    I guess it is second nature for a local to do that, but when everyone stops to wait for you, it is a little embarrassing.

    Another time was when I went to get my fili driving licence. I was made to sit in the classroom with all the locals and listen to the instructor teach the whole class and me in tagalog. We were preparing for the examination at the end of the session. Of course, I didn't understand a word, only words like traffic lights etc. When the exam papers were given out for each student, I just sat there like a lemon, twiddling my thumbs. After about 20 minutes, the instructor asked me to the front of the class and gave me my exam paper. He whispered in my ear, 'just tick the boxes that I have marked, you will pass' he told me. lol Guess who got 100% that day ha ha ha.
    Last edited by Steve.r; 20th December 2010 at 23:15. Reason: addition
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