Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
Toilet related embarrassement?I got the squits in Sitangkai,I remember one night feeling the rumblings and knowing I wouldnt make it to the kasilyas stuck my puet out of the bedroom window and squirted into the water below I had delhi-belly in India once and had to wipe my lubot on a pair of socks which stunk to high heaven so I flung them out of the window,I saw them in the gutter,when I looked a few minutes later they had dissappeared and I remember when I had amoebic dysentery,I couldnt keep a thing in,it all came out in a rush of brown gravy,I was on a camel and had to pop behind sand dunes at least once an hour,no toilet paper and I was forced to wipe my bum with hot sand I do remember once watching the dung beetles trying unsuccessfully to scoop liquid crap into balls to bury
You've just made my evening Tawi, I've been in tears of laughter for the last couple of minutes