If he was caught carting shabu or smack cocaine then thats different IMO.. But 40 years for 12Lbs of weed !!! He was really really stupid thinking about taking it on a plane and I doubt it would have raised him enough money for a month in a hotel in Aussie,even back then..
There was a case a while ago here involving Big time Filipino`s and Chinese Shabu dealers arrested in a huge bust and haul..They were released by a judge..Cost them about 5 million but they are out now probably dealing shabu again which unlike weed is highly addictive and a real killer..A mind destroying drug..Thats proper Filipino justice..Money talks and the "law" here protects the big time boys here all the time..
In my wife`s town a local murderer has just been released after 10 years..
Now I hope they let this Brit out with a clemency deal...Enough already!
18 years!!! I bet he can do the Micheal Jackson moon walk and everything!