Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
Yes they do and he's meant to support the kids but doesn't.

All too common these days. Child support from the government should only be given to a family of no more than two children. If a couple want more than two it should come out their own pockets. Stop all this multi breeding.
if everything was so black and white, how do you know the father(s) are not paying anything, you don't know how long shes been claiming benefits, could have been recently, who is to blame for the break up?, if its the mother why should the father have to pay the crazy figures the CSA want? (my friend years ago, had to pay nearly 1/3 of his wage to the CSA, how the could he live on what he had left (without the need to claim benefits ) sure the father (or mother) pay to support their children, but everyone should pay not just some
