Hi Arthur. In reply to your question 'will Jane be giving up work when baby comes' the answer to that is, yes and no. As soon as we found out she was pregnant it was under my instruction that she was to stop work that day. Reason being The work she was doing was heavy for a girl of Jane's size. I was not going to allow her to risk losing what we have both wanted so badly, a child of our own. By the way She had her anomally scan yesterday, all is as it should be and its a boy. Baby is due May 14. Anyway going back to the thread. Yes Jane will go back to work at her own request on a part time basis only. This time working shop or office No more manual! Its not for the money as I provide more than enough Its for her own well being and independence. Her Aunt will child mind. As for the women in question I quote Arthur ' you admire her 4 kids are a handful' what is there to admire about. All I see is a women unable to provide for the kids she brought into this world and expects the few tax payers on this forum and of course the rest of the country to provide all the high tech stuff even I cant afford to buy. That is not right. Anyway Im back to work Ive had my break xxx Oh by the way. As pointed out by I think it was Jim Ottley. The unemployed generally have a shorter life so, no im not jealous of there lazy life. Im working till I drop out of choice. Although it wont be driving hgv 1 trucks for Tesco like i am now!