Like most hard working tax payers I dont like to see tax payers money wasted on lazy scroungers. I don't know enough about this lady to make a judgement, but in reality not all single mums on benefits are lazy scroungers.
When a couple with kids separate, it is usually the mother who ends up caring for the kids. This is going to limit her ability to work full time or even part time if she can't find affordable child care. Sometimes the father of the kids won't take his share of the responsibility or contribute to the cost of raising kids, meaning the mother has no choice but to be dependent on benefits. I'm sure most respectable mothers would love to go back to work from a pride point of view, but if it's not in their financial interest to do so, who can blame them for getting what they can from the state?
The system is wrong in this country - Firstly, the father should be made to pay towards his childrens upbringing. There should be affordable/State assisted childcare from the age of 6 months to encourage mothers to return to work.
I'm sure there is also a lot of discrimination from employers who are reluctant to employ a mother with young children in a senior role (despite her qualifications and experience) due to the fear that she may have to take days off at short notice due to childrens sickness.
Not my usual uncompromising centre right reply, but in reality this is the case. Most single mum's I know are respectable people and would love to go to work if they could.