Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
Kids do get 5 free half day sessions per week in a Nursery from the age of 3 and a half, but this is only in term time, so it's not much use during 13 weeks of School holidays.

If the Government really wanted to incentivise mums to go back to work, they should provide affordable childcare from the age of 6 months for 52 weeks a year.
i think the free (for 3 and 4yr olds) nursery time can cover hols now,

for most people the gov does provide affordable child care, they pay about 70% of our childcare costs, but come april we will get 0 but were lucky they are both at nursery or school now, but child care b4 and after school cost us £130 a week

alslo remember they use your income from the previous year so if the mother does get a part time or full time job it should not effect what child care benefit they get for a whole year.