
I have just found this forum and was looking for some advice on a girl I like.

We met on the Internet and started chatting everyday. Whenever she said she would be online she was online, come rain, sunshine and even illness.

Some days she would work long hours and still be online to talk. Now I am sceptical and have read lots on the internet about scamming and had a few freinds scammed so have been over cautious.

We chatted and got on well, using skype etc to talk and webcam.

I never sent any money and she has never ever asked me for money. She goes to church every Sunday without fail.

I decided to test her and sent some money so she could buy some chickens to grow and sell. It wasnt enough for me to worry about in the UK. To cut a long story short she sent me pictures of the chickens, and pictures of the reciepts so I could read them.

I decided to visit her in Tagum . It ment she went on the Internet and I wasnt there but she didnt get angry.

I met her at her house and met her parents and the family. It was none of this meeting her on her own. The first day she cooked for me and the family dinner so we all sat down together.

After spening some days with her and her family, I asked her Dad if I could go on a day trip with her. He said fine and we went on the trip with a chaperone. They turned up wearing ankle length trousers and long sleeved tops. Nothing sexy or slutty.

She has never asked me for money, and I am sure is geunine and hoenst. Even her family were paranoid about being called money grabbers they looked after my wallet another test and when I got it back everything was in order.

I later learned that I was the first man to take their daughter out on a date.

Just some ideas and thoughts please, I believe she is genuine and honest and has passed all my tests so far.

But you can never be to carefull, I know soon that we will be togther. Is there anything glaring that I have missed need to check out.

My friend who has travelled round Thailand extensively and met many scammers says I have nothing to worry about.

