Ask the majority of guys married to pinays and the dream is always the same,retirement in Pinas?Thats cool providing you've made adequate provision for it(I know one american over there who is currently surviving on 14000 pesos a month thanks to currency fluctuations and bad planning)but whats the end game-plan,just retire over there and thats it?I met an english guy over there several months agp,Ray,he is living in the visayas and has been there for 14 years,he has a great lifestyle but even he told me while theres no going back to Blighty he does get bored on occassion,what do you intend doing to occupy your time?Theres a brit I know who retired to Davao 2 years ago,he is currently back in the UK after being hospitalised in Pinas and finding out just how expensive his treatment was,have you planned long term for such eventualities?Just curious thats all,I have just over 20 years to retirement and I am going to reside somewhere far different from the Philippines,but most reading this will be Pinas bound,are you ready for it?