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Thread: problems caused by wedding....need advice....

  1. #1
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    Question problems caused by wedding....need advice....

    hi everyone Im not new member on this forum. might some of you remember me.I always check this forum every night to know the latest update specially about on visa coz sooner by feb we will going to apply spouse visa and praying and hoping to have successful visa.

    I have problem and I want to share with you guyz to enlighten me and what should i do for it.

    It started when we booked this wedding organizer who owns a wedding shop her in CDo and deal to get there full wedding package and later on bad services to us and problem begins.

    dec 2009- started paying half price of wedding package.
    Jan 2010- start discussing on every details of my wedding.
    1st week of March- started getting all sizes of my entourage b4r making there gowns and suits as part of my package is 1st user.
    March- give the list of sponsors (only the judge and wedding date is lack) for the invitations.
    April- I fully paid my package.
    May- my husband arrive in cdo.
    1st week of June- already have our wedding date and officiating judge.
    (from Jan-June no follow up from our organizer Im the one decided for our meetings)
    4 days before the wedding June- just finish the invitations (what makes them long to make it? Im the one always follow up about it). the same day when the owner give to us our invitations begging to help them to borrow money 20k from us for emergency purpose and promise to pay after 2 weeks.( bcoz of pity and i think they have hynotized tongue we let them borrowed 20k) and discuss the food to be serve on wedding.
    the night before our wedding June- we visit the shop to check if everything is ready. We are surprised with my relatives to see they still make ribbons as our motif to be place on giveaways, some of the gowns are not yet finish. ( give us hope that they can finished everything and its there policy to bring them personally to the dressing room all gowns and suits on the day of wedding) the worst of all when i ask my organizer what if there will be exsist person occur on wedding day and surprisely she said we are the one responsible paying the P100 per head for the price of food buffet since on there package included is P200 per head and since the food we choose is P300 we have additional fees. ( the buffet choices P290 or P300) I cant believe it and asking her are they not included on package? she said no and i already I aware of this and i tell her im not aware of this thats why im shock.
    June 29- wedding day and we arrive to the hotel 11 am. the manager of the hotel talk to me that she need the payment first for food to be serve on reception so that they can cook. I almost cried that day and ask favor to the manger if we can pay the bill (food) later bcoz we need to talk to our organizer first about it and we will demand to them first to back our 20k to us and we are willing to pay the additional fees (food) since its not our fault bcoz they inform us late and we will not allowed them lend money from us if we knew it br4 if we have still fees to paid. still the manager didn't consider my explaination and my husband settled it immediately even we still have another thing to do on the money left to my husband when he saw me almost crying of happening.
    Still we managed to smile and make as it as our happy wedding. (organizer arrives to the hotel 3:30 pm 2 hours b4r our wedding started) after wedding, my husband talked to them angry and we dont have nothing to do since its already done so were just hoping to get the money the owe to us after 2weeks as they promise.

    to make the story short, after wedding I get my photo and video more than 1 month and Im the one paid for it when i get it to the videographer they hired bcoz i found out that were 7 couples our photo and video pending due to our organizer didnt pay yet the payment. since I dont want more trouble and my family and relatives dont know about it since it my choice to get them to managed my wedding. so i want to solve it on my own. I meet the couple organizer again to there shop and nicely said I already get my photo and video and I dont care if I paid it on my personal money all im asking to them is to pay me on the 20k they lend to us of my husband even its already exsist to the 2weeks they promised to us. still i only received 5k last july and nothing follows payment to me. the have lots of excuses. and Just yesterday i visit there shop as what they promise again to pay me by dec.22(yesterday) but as expected another excuses again and they want me to go back by dec.30 again. Due to my inpatient and angry I shouted at them in there shop and warn them to pay me till dec.30 or else there will be trouble happen. in the evening, they contact my husband in uk telling to inform me that im not allowed anymore to visit there shop bcoz i will lost there customer and they will not doubt to call a police if i visit again. they promised they pay the balance 15k to my husband by dec.30 thru western union and send to my husband bcoz they dont want to see me anymore bcoz of what happened yesterday on there shop. and they even telling my husband that there angry to me and its my fault bcoz i tell the manager in hotel in our wedding day that they borrowed 20k to us. my husband defend me and give 1 word to them if he cant receive the payment this dec.30 they know already what my wife will be if shes angry and we have the right to be angry for the bad service they give to us and troubles.

    my question, what will i do about it? Im thinking file a case against them but on the other hand, im sure its expensive and there balance to us is only 15k so i think it will not help.

    what do you think guyz i must do about it? or nothing i can do about it? pls enlighten me...any advice is appreciated....sorry for a long msg. thank u and hope to hear from you

  2. #2
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    Get a lawyer to write a letter, and have someone deliver it. Put in an deadline for reciept of the payment, and advise that legal action will commence by such and such date if they do not repay the owed money.
    It should cost you around 500 peso for this, and it may scare them into paying.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adie_daryl View Post

    It started when we booked this wedding organizer who owns a wedding shop her in CDo and deal to get there full wedding package and later on bad services to us and problem begins.

    what do you think guyz i must do about it? or nothing i can do about it? pls enlighten me...any advice is appreciated....sorry for a long msg. thank u and hope to hear from you
    Do you have a wedding package contract you signed before you start negotiating and paying them? If so, you should have an original copy of it together with all the official receipts of all your payments with them ...When they asked additional 20t , do you demand a receipt for that? or its just verbal agreement?
    you can ask a lawyer to make a 'letter of demand' for them to pay you back as long as you have (black&white) document like the receipts and the wedding package contract which can serve as your evidences.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
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    Forget it and move on.

  5. #5
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    thank you RickyR mmmmmm good idea... Im thinking now what will be there reaction

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adie_daryl View Post
    thank you RickyR mmmmmm good idea... Im thinking now what will be there reaction
    Well its gonna cost you 500 Pesos to find out!!
    BTW...Good post Ricky!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Do you have a wedding package contract you signed before you start negotiating and paying them? If so, you should have an original copy of it together with all the official receipts of all your payments with them ...When they asked additional 20t , do you demand a receipt for that? or its just verbal agreement?
    you can ask a lawyer to make a 'letter of demand' for them to pay you back as long as you have (black&white) document like the receipts and the wedding package contract which can serve as your evidences.

    Hello sars_notd_virus before i hire them they give me there different wedding packages with different rate which covers everything including the 100 pax guests. When I start negotiate them It seems ok and 1 of there package is perfect/fit for my wedding. I didn't sign a contract as they do not use them. I know from discussing it with some of there employees that all records are filed in a notebook for all wedding bookings and details. I only have official receipt on the package that i paid. and also,I have a letter from them when they owed 20t from us with there signature...Im angry to them bcoz i thought after wedding no more problem. but as what I said on my 1st post I found out were 7 couples waiting for our photo and video to release bcoz there not paid yet the service fee they hire for photo and video coverage for there wedding bookings even we all fully paid on the package we get and when i inquire to there shop about on my photo and video they always said the editor is still busy I gathered info that they have many complaint If i can only turn back the time...

    by the way, where can we inquire about on business permit? someone told me that there business permit is already expired before? and until now they didn't renew it. I want to know if it is true. might sooner i can use it as my weapon to them thank u

  8. #8
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    Put it down to experience and move on.

    With all due respect, p20,000 is not too much money here in the UK, and certainly not enough to wreck months of your life over, or in the Phils...possibly get shot because of loss of face etc.

    Try to get someone else to get the Video and other things for you.

    Have a happy Christmas with your family, and keep clear of these people.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adie_daryl View Post

    by the way, where can we inquire about on business permit? someone told me that there business permit is already expired before? and until now they didn't renew it. I want to know if it is true. might sooner i can use it as my weapon to them thank u
    business permit (DTI- Department of Trade and Industry) to know if the business is registered ....but there is also a Mayors business permit which should be renewed annually ,you can check this out and visit your local Mayors Office if the business is running and not renewed its business permit.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    On a positive note if your planing on getting wed in Cebu this is the place to go for help with the wedding I know him personaly does what it says on the box

    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  11. #11
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    hi adie, what's the name of that wedding organizer at CDO? You can write letter of complain to the DTI and to the Mayors office stating your grievance on their services.

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