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Thread: Child benefit and child tax credits

  1. #1
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    Child benefit and child tax credits

    A question for Joe........I been reading the hmrc web site on the above states that Jane cant claim because of her satus here in also state's that if the husband is not under those same restrictions, he can claim those benefits. What concerns me is, when it comes to processing Jane's ILR next January, it will show I have 'had recourse to public funds'. Can you please advise....Regards Mark

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no problems just make it easy for yourself and you claim the child benefit and tax creds, you can do both online

    but for the tax creds you and your wife must fill the app form in, BUT ONLY YOU SHOULD MAKE A CLAIM (you should only tick the box where it asks you about making a claim) . your misses will need a national insurance number for you to claim the tax creds.

    your allowed to claim any benefit your entitled to ( infact your wife could claim the benefits becuase she married to a british citizen, but like i said make it easy for yourself and get the money to go in your bank account)

    i've claimed tax creds and child benefit, my wife had no problems getting ILR and Citizenship, and your wife shouldnt have any problems either. so get your claims in ASAP as some can only be back dated 3 months max.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    no problems just make it easy for yourself and you claim the child benefit and tax creds, you can do both online

    but for the tax creds you and your wife must fill the app form in, BUT ONLY YOU SHOULD MAKE A CLAIM (you should only tick the box where it asks you about making a claim) . your misses will need a national insurance number for you to claim the tax creds.

    your allowed to claim any benefit your entitled to ( infact your wife could claim the benefits becuase she married to a british citizen, but like i said make it easy for yourself and get the money to go in your bank account)

    i've claimed tax creds and child benefit, my wife had no problems getting ILR and Citizenship, and your wife shouldnt have any problems either. so get your claims in ASAP as some can only be back dated 3 months max.

    Once again, Thank you Joe!!!

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    after my divorce and my children came to live with me i claimed tax credits for my son , never again its the biggest load of crap after a divorce that can hit you , for less then £40 a month i told them to shove it , and because i was late filling the forms in i had to pay them back what i should not have received what a great country we live in

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    after my divorce and my children came to live with me i claimed tax credits for my son , never again its the biggest load of crap after a divorce that can hit you , for less then £40 a month i told them to shove it , and because i was late filling the forms in i had to pay them back what i should not have received what a great country we live in
    Steve what you get depends on the age of the child and how much you earn

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    yes we had it when we was together and once we were divorced and i should have told them and filled the forms in again but was late, and also losing a income coming into the household say 12000, they turned round and said i owe them,

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