Hi there.. Im here on a 13a visa which is a really a residence permit valid for 5 years..Only thing I have to do is to report to local immigration in Jan or Feb and pay 300.00 Pesos.. Best to apply in the UK via the Fil embassy..at least 6 months before leaving..I think the requirement list got easier so better contact them or check the Fil embassy website for latest requirements and info.. Anyway..Apply in the UK and finish processing in Manila (takes a day) and the Icard they issue is permanent.. If you apply here it is temporary for one year after which there is more work to do before you get a permanent card.. Other option is come over and request a Balikbayan stamp which is valid for a year after which a quick trip to Hongkong and back (both husband and wife) and then balikbayan for another year and so on.. The tourist visa route is a pain in the ass and expensive.. Cheers Fred..