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Thread: A Cebu Realtor - Sales and lies..

  1. #1
    Member mattwilkie's Avatar
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    A Cebu Realtor - Sales and lies..

    I actually have a so called friend who deals in real estate here in Cebu and I just wanted to share a few things that realtors get upto. The so called friend took me to see several properties a year ago (havent bought) the first house we went to was told how "it had lots of buyers interested" and how "the deal needed to be closed ASAP". How much? P1.8m and coming from construction (I was a carpenter and now a surveyor) I estimated the value at around P800,000. Nice location I thought and they pulled me to one side while another realtor was talking to the owner within my wifes earshot. The owner was saying he will be glad if it finally sells so he can build his own house as this was his fathers. Me being me I never commit to anything in advance so had a look at a few other properties then I did something most people dont bother with which is have the property checked at the Barangay hall as we have friends there. Same house was offered to a Seaman for P1.2m wonder who's pocket the other P600k was going in? Currently I have a lot of ongoing projects and know due to greed the property still is unsold I will approach the owners son in the future for a private sale of P800k as I know he will accept.

    Same friend took me to another sub division to look at a house P4.2m and more of a double stacked shoe box than a house. "look at the views" which to be honest were great but she had also forgotten to mention which was easy to notice all the lots that will be blocking that view very shortly. Then over to the last lot of the day which they had just secured a sale of a P9m house to a German.

    Funny thing with that one aswell as there is only one house on that Sub Division and its owned by a British guy David who's currently having problems with the developer asking over P50,000 for him to put electric on the property. What the developer means is can you foot the bill for the entire sub divisions connections..

    Moral of the story is in property as in most possessions always seems to be someone lying to you and that's how to treat it. Dont commit to anything and research yourself. I have seen here in Minglanilla several houses where the realtor has added an extra P500,000 - P1m per property for themselves and not told the owner and of course they will still claim their 5% as well..

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hmm ... good job you did a reality check ... with "friends" like that wheeler-dealer, who needs enemies!?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Property a mug buy ................ take off from Manila airport and you will see beneath you neatly laid out roads with just a show house on the edge of them. Similar to the UK I'm not sorry to see these leeches get their come uppance

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    take off from Manila airport and you will see beneath you neatly laid out roads with just a show house on the edge of them.
    neatly laid out? You sure you are talking about Manila?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    neatly laid out?You sure you are talking about Manila?
    Fred - Replace with "on the edges"

  6. #6
    Respected Member
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    The Sub division with the brit wouldnt be fonti de versailles would it?

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